Episode 2 is a F**KING DISGRACE!


Apr 14, 2001
Im about to kick the living shit out of this worthless carcass of a fucking movie and make it the bitch it so deserves to be, so consider yourself warned :mad:

I havent read the other threads yet, but I shall get to them after I have ranted :)

First, everyone knows I LOVE Star Wars, I even sorta liked Episode one (except for the atrocious acting), Ive read all the books, comics etc. I own the movies on tape twice over and have loads of other Star Wars stuff, but I dont care how much I love the movies, shit is shit, no matter how you dress it up.

First though, the good stuff!

* Ewan Macgregor wasnt quite as bad in this one acting wise, he was still horrible, but less so..... lets say he was a Load instead of a Reload......

* Natalie Portman was very good, very believable as a senator/exqueen, unlike the rest, and I thought for sure that moment when she was standing on the conveyer belt staring at the crushing thing that Akakin would swoop in and save her thus fulfilling the oldest cliche in the book, I thought it was good she did it herself, so nice work on that part George.

* Awesome set designs, the clone facility was just amazing, outside and inside, and Coruscant was as amazing as ever. The people designing these sets are geniuses.

* The special effects, they werent quite as "obvious" cgi as the ones in the first film, probably helped that it wasnt set in the sunlight and desert mostly like the first film, which always makes cgi look worse.

* Lightsaber fights. I dont think theres a way to make these crap though :headbang:

* C3PO. Out of the whole movie, he was the only one that when I watched him, he reminded me exactly of the first 3. He is so gay :lol:

Now, the BAD, this could go for a while........

* Jango Fett, disgraceful acting. Little Boba Fett? What the F**K? How lame. It was handled wrongly, the dialogue by Jango and Boba was atrocious, it was laughable at times. We were supposed to think he was a fearsome bounty hunter, but I could hace kicked his ass with one hand behind my back. Anyone here think Jango is even a TENTH as cool as Boba? There was no explanation why Jango wanted a clone of himself, there was no explanation why he let himself be cloned for the army, and no explanation as to why he SUCKED as an actor :(

* Jumping from cars in the sky? I dont care that they are the greatest Jedi ever, its just stupid! Yes it looked cool, but it was silly. "I hate it when he does that", thats such a dumb line, and one that I would expect to see in a Van Damme movie, not Star Wars :mad: The whole chase scene was really dumb, the only good bit was when he jumped through the window at the start of the chase, that rocked! :headbang: Of course, ripping off the ENTIRE scene from The Fifth Element didnt help.

* When Anakins mother died. George must have gotten a 50 for 1 sale down at the local cliche house, because it was melodromatic and downright silly :(
Just happened to find her RIGHT before she died? PUHFUCKINGLEEZE! :mad: Dont even get me started on the IDIOTIC speech he made to Padme when he got back about how he slaughtered the women and children......

* Yes they can make a lightsaber scene suck. Yoda. YODA. FUCKING YODA! In a lightsaber fight? I actually LAUGHED. It was the STUPIDEST part in quite a stupid movie, so thats saying something. He was jumping around the walls like he was in the Matrix or something. It looked utterly ABSURD. He is supposed to be a Jedi Master, not a green freaking cannonball.
I understand that he is powerful with the force and so could do that sort of thing, but it really looked silly having him take on a guy 6 feet taller than him, if he hadnt been bouncing of the walls like one of those hibouncer balls it would have been ok.

* Anakin. The guy who played him sucked. Sorry, I meant the guy who OVERACTED him sucked.

* George throwing in stuff from the first trilogy to try and convince people it is more like the first 3 than episode 1. This really annoyed me, taking dialogue STRAIGHT from the other films and trying to pass it off as an "omen" kind of thing. Maybe it didnt bug other people, but it seemed VERY forced to me.

Ok, thats about it, I was very disappointed, I was sitting there actually bored in some parts of the movie.

Maybe when I see it again on dvd ill change my mind, but the acting just RUINS the movies, the first 3 were played straight up and serious, but these 2 seem like the actors are going "well, we are just having fun, I mean, its all fake isnt it?" the whole time and not taking it seriously, and it ruins what could have been very good movies had they gotten some GOOD actors :cry:

Im done. Did anyone get through it all? ;)
Yeah, well at least he got to shag Natalie Portman, I just got a shit movie :cry:
I cant, she took out a cease and desist order on me fantasising about her, she said what I wanted to do to her was creepy :(
Right, this is the most ridiculous post I've ever read from Spawny. Shame on you!

Responses to your points:

* Why did Jango Fett want a clone? Because he wanted a son! See that he didn't treat him like a clone, he treated him as his kid! Why did he let himself be cloned? Those alien things said that he got paid a lot of money for it, so why not? If someone offered me a whole heap of cash to create a master race of Spiffos, then sign me up! Oh, and the actor who played him, Temeura Morrison, is great - "Once Were Warriors", anybody?

* Loved the car chase scene, loved the jumping from cars, and yes, I thought of "The Fifth Element" as well :)
One of the best action scenes to appear in a Star Wars film, though.

* If you paid attention to the Anakin's-mother-dying scene, you would have been able to deduce that she was forcing herself to stay alive until she saw him again. After all, he was taken away by the fascist Jedis in the first film and hadn't seen him for ten years. Although her actual death was very melodramatic and reminded me of some acting from my high school drama class. :)

* YODA. WAS. GREAT! He's the greatest Jedi ever - of course that includes being able to use a lightsabre! The people who were in the cinema with me giggled a bit, but I got the feeling that they all thought he was tres cool.

* Didn't really notice any repeated dialogue from the first film. Care to elaborate? I did notice a few references to it ("You'll be the death of me!" says Obi-Wan, or something like that) and I liked the little touches, like Anakin's side-on silhouette looking like Darth Vader (I'm pretty sure it was intentional - it was the scene before he goes to kick some Sandpeople butt).

I loved it. More the first time - second time (yep, saw it for the second time today) it was a bit boring in the middle, during the scenes where Anakin was chatting up Padme, but still great, especially the last hour or so.

Roll on number 3!
Ooh, one more thing - seeing as this is already a spoiler-filled thread, no harm in adding one more, even though it doesn't give away much at all.

Owen and Beru have C3PO on their farm, and R2D2 comes along as well. Neither of them, however, seem to recall having seen the droids before in "Star Wars", though, and C3PO and R2D2 don't point out in that film that they've been to said residence. Hmm. Then again, maybe they have a memory wipe in Episode III.
Thanks for your perspective on the movie spawn....interesting to read an opinion that is different from the all the ass-licking reviews so far.

I'll still see it and make my own opinion mind you.
Originally posted by Spiff
Right, this is the most ridiculous post I've ever read from Spawny. Shame on you!

Responses to your points:

* Why did Jango Fett want a clone? Because he wanted a son! See that he didn't treat him like a clone, he treated him as his kid! Why did he let himself be cloned? Those alien things said that he got paid a lot of money for it, so why not? If someone offered me a whole heap of cash to create a master race of Spiffos, then sign me up! Oh, and the actor who played him, Temeura Morrison, is great - "Once Were Warriors", anybody?

* Loved the car chase scene, loved the jumping from cars, and yes, I thought of "The Fifth Element" as well :)
One of the best action scenes to appear in a Star Wars film, though.

* If you paid attention to the Anakin's-mother-dying scene, you would have been able to deduce that she was forcing herself to stay alive until she saw him again. After all, he was taken away by the fascist Jedis in the first film and hadn't seen him for ten years. Although her actual death was very melodramatic and reminded me of some acting from my high school drama class. :)

* YODA. WAS. GREAT! He's the greatest Jedi ever - of course that includes being able to use a lightsabre! The people who were in the cinema with me giggled a bit, but I got the feeling that they all thought he was tres cool.

* Didn't really notice any repeated dialogue from the first film. Care to elaborate? I did notice a few references to it ("You'll be the death of me!" says Obi-Wan, or something like that) and I liked the little touches, like Anakin's side-on silhouette looking like Darth Vader (I'm pretty sure it was intentional - it was the scene before he goes to kick some Sandpeople butt).

I loved it. More the first time - second time (yep, saw it for the second time today) it was a bit boring in the middle, during the scenes where Anakin was chatting up Padme, but still great, especially the last hour or so.

Roll on number 3!

Ok, I shall answer each in turn :)

1/ Tamuera Morrison was BRILLIANT in Once Were Warriors, but this was Star Wars and I thought he sucked :( You make a good point about why he wanted a clone though, but I still dont like the way they handled it, including Jangos death scene and the stereotypical "oh ill get him" from Boba.

2/ Like I said, it looked cool, but it was so silly with them jumping out of cars, then landing on the 20000 feet down, it was like a scene from a bad action movie. Nice scenery though :)

3/ I know, the "now im complete" bit. I dont care, it was a really lame scene, you said it best with your high school acting quote :)

4/ Yoda IS cool, I agree, but come on, him jumping of the walls was SO silly........ If they had left him on the ground and made a proper fight it would have worked I think, but I seem to be in the minority about this, so whatever, people enjoyed it, everyones got a different opinion :)

5/ Elaborate..... Crap, now I have to remember... Ill have to get back to you when I get a copy of it on DVD or video, but there were lots of references to lines from the first 3 (which were intentional id say) So ill get back to you :)

Yep, they both must have had memory wipes, but then, so must Obi-Wan because he says "I dont seem to remember owning any droids" in the first film, which makes no sense because he would surely remember them......... Even though he didnt actually OWN them..... Ooooh! Plot hole!
Originally posted by Tough As Steel
Thanks for your perspective on the movie spawn....interesting to read an opinion that is different from the all the ass-licking reviews so far.

I'll still see it and make my own opinion mind you.

Ill add something I should have added to my rant, I love StarWars so maybe I was more harsh on the film than people who just like Star Wars :D I still stand by my review though :D
So you know, I havn't seen the movie yet.
So I am staying out of and avoiding all Star Wars related threads, here and everywhere else on the net. Which is not that easy to do..
After I have finally seen the movie (hopefully next week some time) I shall post my opinion.
As I have heard almost nothing but good reviews about Attack Of The Clones, I am expecting it to be horrid.

Good day to you all.

geeks :Smokedev:
Well, this is interesting...

Spawny, I am also a huge Star Wars fan, and not just some guy who likes the movies, and I think it really was fantastic. I agree with some of the points you made (the dialogue taken from the other films I did notice, the 'Death Sticks' scene being reminicent of the scene with the storm troopers in Mos Eisley, and Obi-Wan cutting off someones arm in a bar, similar to the cantina), but I also think alot of the points you make are just downright silly. :) Yoda is THE master jedi, and it is to be expected that he would be the best in physical combat. I don't think his fight scene was silly at all, I was sitting there watching it with my jaw on the ground thinking "kick his arse Yoda!!". Also, I don't see what your problem with Janga was either, his character made perfect sense to me.
I still think the acting wasn't that great (Anakin being the worst), but I also think there was some good acting in it too. Ewan McGreggor, Christopher Lee and Natalie Portman did a fine job. The acting in TPM however...
I enjoyed the car chase scene, but I do see where you are coming from. Normally, dudes jumping out of flying cars would be ridiculous, but they are Jedi's, and they were trying to catch someone, so they can do what they like. hehe

All in all, everyone may think what they shall, but I really don't see how a Star Wars fan could be so critical. It was in the vein of the original trilogy, which I think is what alot of people like about it. What would you have rather seen Spawny?

...I think will add a smiley to the bottom of the post to lighten the mood, hehe :D.
Originally posted by spawn
* When Anakins mother died. George must have gotten a 50 for 1 sale down at the local cliche house, because it was melodromatic and downright silly :(
Just happened to find her RIGHT before she died? PUHFUCKINGLEEZE! :mad: Dont even get me started on the IDIOTIC speech he made to Padme when he got back about how he slaughtered the women and children......

See spiffs post for the explanation

Originally posted by spawn
* Yes they can make a lightsaber scene suck. Yoda. YODA. FUCKING YODA! In a lightsaber fight? I actually LAUGHED. It was the STUPIDEST part in quite a stupid movie, so thats saying something. He was jumping around the walls like he was in the Matrix or something. It looked utterly ABSURD. He is supposed to be a Jedi Master, not a green freaking cannonball.
I understand that he is powerful with the force and so could do that sort of thing, but it really looked silly having him take on a guy 6 feet taller than him, if he hadnt been bouncing of the walls like one of those hibouncer balls it would have been ok.

Are you fucking insane!!!!!!!! That part was freaking awesome! :D

Originally posted by spawn
* George throwing in stuff from the first trilogy to try and convince people it is more like the first 3 than episode 1. This really annoyed me, taking dialogue STRAIGHT from the other films and trying to pass it off as an "omen" kind of thing. Maybe it didnt bug other people, but it seemed VERY forced to me.

I thought that was funny. Anakin you'll be the death of me. Kudos to lucas for that little joke hehe

In conclusion spawny is crazy ;)
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
What would you have rather seen Spawny?

...I think will add a smiley to the bottom of the post to lighten the mood, hehe :D.

If they had gotten good actors who didnt look like they were taking the piss the whole time, the movie would have been a LOT better, the acting really was atrocious (IMHO) and that was the main thing that ruined it for me.

The movie wasnt a complete waste, but there were so many ways it could have been MUCH better. More than anything else, it didnt hold my attention like the first 3 did, does anyone here HONESTLY think they will be watching AOTC in 15 years for the 200th time like people do with the original trilogy?