Essential Songs

Jul 24, 2007
So I went through some past polls and stuff because I have a fetish for this sort of thing and discovered each album (DWOT on) has three obvious winners as the best songs.

Accolade, DWOT, Candlelight Fantasia, Smoke and Mirrors, C+M, TLG, Communion and the Oracle, Egypt, R2, Accolade 2, Awakenings, Odyssey, Paradise Lost, Walls of B, and Revelation.

What a perfect mix! (for me at least)
That would be near to perfect live set. It's not really missing anything, except maybe one really heavy song like Set The World on Fire or Inferno etc.
yea i def agree with the agalloch mention. i just meant it to be a perfect mix of sym x songs that most fans would agree on, not as a live set or anything. anyone listen to summoning?
if u like dol guldur, check out their ep that they released right after it, nightshade forests. it is right up there in my opinion, esp. track 2. i just picked up their 1st album luzburg, its much different with just raw melodic guitars. some songs are very solid but its hard to sit through the whole thing as its all too similar. I had the same problem with sacramentum - far beyond the sun ... the melodies on that cd are unbelievable but the songs are all very similar. If you like dissection's storm of the light's bane you will be very happy and impressed with sacaramentum's far beyond the sun. Better than the acclaimed Vinterland cd in my opinion.
Ok ok whoa whoa whoa... that's a lot of shit to go through right there.... would you mind making a list of like...

Band - Album title

of the shit that you just said? All i see in that clusterfuck is "If you like storm of the lights bane" which i say to myself "Self, i certainly do enjoy that christ-hating slab of black metal", but i don't know where to go from there.

Point is, looks like you have great taste and i don't recognize some of the stuff in there... plz help kthxbai!
Ok ok whoa whoa whoa... that's a lot of shit to go through right there.... would you mind making a list of like...

Band - Album title

of the shit that you just said? All i see in that clusterfuck is "If you like storm of the lights bane" which i say to myself "Self, i certainly do enjoy that christ-hating slab of black metal", but i don't know where to go from there.

Point is, looks like you have great taste and i don't recognize some of the stuff in there... plz help kthxbai!

Haha ok here we go

Summoning - Dol Guldur
Summoning - Nightshade Forests
Summoning - Luzburg
Sacramentum - Far Beyond the Sun - if you like dissection i highly recommend this, re-relased pretty recently :O)
Vinterland - Welcome to My Last Chapter - same deal, some say better than dissection and sacramentum, i disagree - very hard to find

BTW If you like depressive music, check out Katatonia's side project, October Tide.

Check all these bands on
SR wrote
know what songs would be even better in that list?

Pretty much anything from Agalloch, Swallow the Sun, Moonsorrow..

That sounded like it was lifted straight from the Kenneth R handbook. Plagiarism is not cool your own work.