mayb theyl com bak just to make it up to us in london...bt awsome up until tht point the stuff off Follow The Reaper was by far the best material all night.....n am i being cynical in thinking tht maybe one of alexis beers fell on the mixing desk i mean normally wen someone throws something on stage he goes F****ng apeshit n he seemed to be smiling towards the end.
Are you talking about the London gig?? The sound monitor area in the Forum, and in most venues,is much closer to the back of the venue,near the bar.It's not on stage with the amps and other equipment..I was standing right in front of the sound control area and some dickhead behind me flung a plastic cup of beer in at the roadies and it splashed all over the controls..you could hear the damage that was done when Alexi's microphone was going all screechy during Blooddrunk..I'm amazed the sound lasted as long as it did before giving up.
Alexi doesn't drink beer during gigs anymore I don't think anyway and he was probably just smiling at the end because Janne gave him a heartattack creeping up behind him to shut him up during his solo or something..
Great gig though until that happened,does anyone know if they played the Dallas theme tune everywhere in the UK or was it just in Nottingham and London? Thanks K-man aswell for the setlist in Nottingham!

Cheers to the guys for being so nice and down to earth hanging with us after the gig for a bit