Fucking awesome gig! I lost my shoe during bodom after midnight. Basically i was in the pit and my shoe was coming off so i went to the side and tried to put it on, then my friend pushed me back in and it flew off. I got a few people to look but apparently it had been chucked onto the stageAfter the gig i found out it ended up behind the keyboard
Also i stayed after AND FUCKING MET ALEXI, HENKE, ROOPE AND DIABLO..pics to come soon.
*edit* sorry for spam
*edit 2*dam
FOOOOK what a stupid thing to do !! Hope the guy got hung by his balls ! Whoooaaa wud have pissed me SOO much off if theyd cut the show coz of that ! :zombie:
Lol, I was near the front of the barrier to the right too.
Did anybody see that guy who went over the barrier lvie 4-5 timesThe guy with tnnes of piercings?
Fucking awesome gig! I lost my shoe during bodom after midnight. Basically i was in the pit and my shoe was coming off so i went to the side and tried to put it on, then my friend pushed me back in and it flew off. I got a few people to look but apparently it had been chucked onto the stageAfter the gig i found out it ended up behind the keyboard
Also i stayed after AND FUCKING MET ALEXI, HENKE, ROOPE AND DIABLO..pics to come soon.
I think the only songs they were going to play after BOR if that cunt didn't fuck up the mixing desk, were Smile Pretty For The Devil and/or Hate Crew Deathroll.
Fucking awesome gig! I lost my shoe during bodom after midnight. Basically i was in the pit and my shoe was coming off so i went to the side and tried to put it on, then my friend pushed me back in and it flew off. I got a few people to look but apparently it had been chucked onto the stageAfter the gig i found out it ended up behind the keyboard
Also i stayed after AND FUCKING MET ALEXI, HENKE, ROOPE AND DIABLO..pics to come soon.
hey guys, i'm er... 'nathan explosion''s older cousin.
I had his camera for the gig.
Hopefully this link will work. It's a link to a facebook album. Please let me know if you can view the pics, and if not, I'll put them all on a different public album website.
This first link will definitely work. The other 3, I'm not sure, so please let me know.
First 2 links are videos:
Hammer smashed face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvzxGVOJ8jM&fmt=18
alexi after the gig video:
Direct link to photo album:
Direct link to first pic of the album, if the above doesn't work, then just click on the next photo to see each one progressively. (60 in total):
As I posted earlier they never played Smile Pretty at all in Manchester, then encore was just BOR and HCDR.
Can anyone else confirm they even played Smile Pretty at any of the UK shows?
Thanks GAIZ!
How were the guys? I was lucky and met Alexi and Roope at the show in Nuremberg, both were very nice, Alexi didn't even use the word fuck anytime.
Lol, I was near the front of the barrier to the right too.
Did anybody see that guy who went over the barrier lvie 4-5 timesThe guy with tnnes of piercings?