European Photos

Northern Viking said:
And you, SpiritCrusherX, you're not allowed to state such things anymore, you'll need clearance from someone with certified good taste in women!

LMAO, come ON! I've seen far worse looking chicks than that, besides it's just one boink, it's not like I'm going to marry them and put up with their pagan rituals all day.

You know who I really like? Michelle Branch. Now there's a hot chick who plays guitar, which makes her even more sexy. Fuck Britney Spears man, Michelle's where it's at :) And of course, maybe if I wanna go for a metal chick that is less stupid looking than the girls with Janne, how about the beautiful Tarja Turunen of Nightwish, or Cristina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil (even though I hate that band), or Angela from Arch Enemy?

OK, if you're all so concerned about my mental health, give me a slideshow of girls and I will give you my opinion on them, then from those test results you can decide if I am insane or normal :lol:
nice pics :kickass: but i´m really happy that there is no pic of me, cuz a guy of the crew took a pic of me and a friend backstage and told us that he will put it on this page. and we told him all the time: "no! don´t put it on the page!" and he: "yeah, we will!", we: " noooooooo!!!", he: "oh yeah!" :lol: so.....THANK GOD THAT THE PIC ISN´t ON THE PAGE!!!! :)
SpiritCrusherX said:
OK, if you're all so concerned about my mental health, give me a slideshow of girls and I will give you my opinion on them, then from those test results you can decide if I am insane or normal :lol:

Hot or Not... Stage one.


The more you pass the more I/we post.
...Wouldn't blame him... and SORRY! if you actually browse these boards and you saw my indirect comparison to yourselves and phil anselmo. seems that webmaster of COBHC was reading this forum when we were talking about him...look this (taken from COB Official site):

12 Aug 2003 - Couple of Pictures added (Media)

They are taken when touring Japan in February 2003 and Europe in April-May 2003.

- Webmaster

poor kid :lol:
To all those, whose brains do not work that far: Last summer you were involved in a very amusing discussion about beauty and ugliness of four German girls, found in a picture with Janne on the Bodom page in the tour photo section.

Well guys, all we can say is: You are so fucking tiring...
Envy certainly is a strong feeling! But it is funny to see how (hopefully!!!) intelligent beings lower themselves on such an inferior rank.

To wipe away your fears: We are so fucking sorry, but we are not disabled, despite the fact that three of us are blonde, so we certainly are in the condition to use a computer and a keyboard. And yes - even to join a forum and lower ourselves on your rank to answer you fools. Who the fuck asked you to judge Janne´s “choice”?

Personally we think, that this word might not be fitting that well because we are no groupies, that are chosen by anyone´ s pitiable horny brain- products. Never were involved with any of them, sorry! *destroying your prejudice*

So we are sorry to tell you, that it is possible for us to hang out with the guys, having fun with them, but not having any sex. Yes, that´ s possible *surprise, surprise*. Sorry to destroy another prejudice of yours…Thank god this advantage is not given to all of us. Otherwise we might meet people like you, when hanging out with the Bodoms…

Okay, that was enough babbling concerning the situation. Referring to the photo: Well, it´ s not a hot shot, but who cares? We had a fucking cool party with the guys on that day. So, we are proud to look ugly and drunk when we are totally messed up!

We don´ t know how you feel about that, but…Well actually we do not care. All we can say is: We are sorry for not occurring with one of our better photos in public for the first time. On the other side…We might find ourselves in the middle of a huge pile of immoral offers, if you saw our real faces…And believe us: We are certainly self- confident enough to say, that all of us are fucking good lucking, which surely should be judged by more competent persons like you and even was so in past, present and always will be in future.

So, why do we waste more time on you losers? Maybe because we sometimes still believe in the good sides of human beings. But we guess we won´ t change anything in your mind. The only sad thing is, that once again on our flight out of superficial philistinism into the “tolerant” world of metal people we find ourselves in the midst of a crowd of people that is worse than any hip- hop or techno- listening group in this world.

So piss off and fuck yourselves!!!
Ohg yeah, if you are so offended by this, why drag up a thread that EVERYONE had forgotten about... And draw attention to yourself again???
If it was me, i'd leave the thread dead.

Honestly. :lol: