European Photos

Well, I guess I started this whole thing but my groupie-comment was meant in an ironical way. There was no real bad word from my side.

Mistress: I really wonder why you give a fuck about other people's comments. You should stand above all kinds of insults and be proud that a picture of you with a band member can be seen on the official COB site. That's a really cool thing and other fans can only dream of that.
HAHA well up until i saw her post i was seriously honestly really going to state that the ones on the sides don't look bad to me, but holy shit, now that i know they also have character and can swear and curse and drink... omgom aslasl plzkthx!! i kid
Well..."Misstress of Envy" is the girl on the right side of the pic...

Just discovered this topic recently and although being two of the girls on the pic (those on the left side), we'd probably hadn't digged up again the already forgotten thread, but now that it's up-to-date we wanna state our comment, too...

To the three or four people who offended us...

FUCK YOU VERY MUCH ! :hotjump:

Actually we don't give a fuck what others think about that pic because it definitely IS one of the, or probably THE worst picture of all of us but who doesn't own a photo of himself on which he looks just AWFUL !? We were fuckin' drunk that night and that can be seen on the pic, SO WHAT ?!
Later we even complained about that pic towards the Bodom guys but Henkka said (see, he was NOT hiding *prejudice destroyed*, and Janne either *surprise*) he thought it was nice...hehe, he's too polite definitely, but nowadays we're proud to be on their page as their fuckin'- die-hard-No.1-fans :worship: , even bad-looking, who gives a flying fuck...
And btw, did we ever ask you to choose one of us or to hear your opinion towards our physical appearance ?!?!?!?!?!?!

The sad thing about all this is to see once again the huge majority of superficial people even in the metal scene...Offending others only because of one fucking photo isn't really mature, is it ?! It is quite obvious that all those cocksuckers who offended us did that only because they're jealous to hell...We are on the official homepage of their favourite band and they're not... :p
And judging every female fan immediately to be a groupie also is another fuckin' prejudice which really sucks.
At least you see we are NOT too dumb to switch on a computer although we're blonde... :loco: wooooow......

But why trying to make any moral efforts....Seems like this forum is almost full of fuckin' narrow-minded idiots and REAL Bodom fans can be hardly found...

Btw Zarok :wave: ...seems like you're nearly the only nice person in here... :)

Ok...that's all we wanted to say....
I think the fact that nobody apologizes is caused by some kind of machismo-thing.

Anyway, it would be really interesting to know how many of the people who offended actually ever had a girlfriend. And I mean real girlfriends, not girlfriends made of rubber.

The COB board at Ultimate Metal: THE place where the real women-specialists meet.
Zarok666 said:
I think the fact that nobody apologizes is caused by some kind of machismo-thing.

Anyway, it would be really interesting to know how many of the people who offended actually ever had a girlfriend. And I mean real girlfriends, not girlfriends made of rubber.

The COB board at Ultimate Metal: THE place where the real women-specialists meet.

Hahahah dude, what the fuck does having a girlfriend have to do with laughing at a buncha chicks?