European tour


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2005
Hi all
i'm a fan of DT. I see the band every 2 years in Francesince 1997. The 2002 performance was AWESOME. In 2005 in Paris, DT played 35-40 minutes. Kreator played more than 2 hours...................I DON'T UNDERSTANT. Dark Tranquillity hos proven his valor and can play alone. The ratio could have been better. DT 1hour 1/2 Kreator 1hour 3/4.
More than 20€ to see 35 minutes of DT is so disappointing...plz tell me you will come back VERY SOON !!! No Hedon, no Lethe, no Haven, no Damage Done, No insanity crescendo ...etc........
the new album were so nice should have been n°1 on stage like In flames or paradise lost of Hypo[Tagtren]Crisy
Plz COME BACK TO KILL US ALL :hotjump: :loco: :p :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
in italy too they played about 45-50 mins... kreator more than 2.30 hours... really disappointing, but at least i didn't pay the ticket coz i had passes (as i am webmaster or the italian fan site) :headbang:
I think the real disapointing thing is the fact that they were supposed to be coheadlining. I enjoyed the two show i attended but I would have prefered knowing it wasnt a coheadlining at all (Hatesphere and Ektomorf played almost as much as Dark Tranquillity) before taking not refundable train tickets...
for the length of the set and the cost of travelling it is just too much effort. I hope one day scandinavian bands and their management realise the UK's metal scene doesn't span simply from the capital. London's metal scene doesn't even compare to some other places up north (according to popular belief). Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds is where it's at.
rahvin said:

Sales account for them not being the headliners. However its not a fucking metal festival to just give them 40 minutes thats ridiculous, specially if Kreator plays 2 fucking hours. It pains me to say it but its a bad decision to tour in such way, dt should put more atention and perhaps get more personal involved if management is deciding to put them on tour with bands like Kreator.
Misanthrope said:
Sales account for them not being the headliners. However its not a fucking metal festival to just give them 40 minutes thats ridiculous, specially if Kreator plays 2 fucking hours. It pains me to say it but its a bad decision to tour in such way, dt should put more atention and perhaps get more personal involved if management is deciding to put them on tour with bands like Kreator.

they do play for 45 minutes, and kreator play for 1h45. details aside, there are good expectations for headlining dates later this year. and by that i mean that the band members are interested in making sure that this is not the dt tour for character.
Our very own German Dark Tranquillity tour

Utrecht, friday 18/02/05, I had a party at a friend’s house where I fell asleep at around four a.m.
At half past ten I got up and biked home, then biked to the station and got the train to Arnhem. There I ‘assembled’ with a friend, Philip.

….Here our very own German Dark Tranquillity tour started! :D
Since I missed the gig in the Netherlands due to that party (and hadn’t made it to Antwerpen,_Belgium_;)), I figured I’d go to Germany instead, its not all that far away from the Netherlands/Utrecht anyway! make it a fun weekend, we were going to hitchhike there! :D (great idea, huh? :p)

So we had to get from Arnhem to Osnabrück.
Well, first we walked from the station to the highway, and it took aaages before someone stopped (step one: Arnhem – Deventer), two nice persons, a Dutch woman and a Norwegian guy (hehe). Later we got French people, a speed freak, a ‘normal guy’ and a tow trucker, who was really cool. (We had luck there, cos someone dropped us in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, with no cars driving past at all >_< this was at 19:30) And that was fun, in the tow truck, with this amazing man. He had an opinion about everything, was very excited all the time and turned out to be a grandfather of 64! He told us he loved to kitesurf (with a small car thing?) and go skydiving with his grandson (6yrs)! :’D Hahah, great! He brought us to some small train station and we got the train to…Osnabrück!! :D

Hurraaaah we were so happy to get there! I asked a guy in black (yeah well :p) if he knew where the “Dütehalle Georgsmarienhütte” were. He had no idea! D: But he got us on a bus to “GM Hütte”? And it turned out to be a little town next to Osnabrück!! Ohnoooo… u_u,, All we could do was hoping the show wasn’t going on to quickly, you know. (We hadn’t even eaten yet, just so desperate to get on time for the show!) But when we arrived in ‘GM Hütte’ (22:30), we could walk to the ‘music halls’ (just a renovated big farm, really). So we brought away our coats, bought a ticket, went in…andddd?! We thought we saw Ektomorf on stage, hell yeah!! We had made it!! So we stood there, all euphoric, in that crowd, until Philip said: “Val? Val..” and pointed at the drums. IT HAD “KREATOR” ON IT!!! D: D: u_u,,,,,,,, Any idea how we felt? :p I know, bloody awful! …Luckily we could go away and get our money back. We discussed what we were gonna do. Ah, we thought, we’ll just follow them to Oberhausen :cool: Hell yeah! :p
But now. We got back in, to party in the after party! But it closed at 12 or 1 oclock >_< So we went back to the little town’s station and walked around, looking for a hotel. But there weren’t any at all! So we got a bus (full of noisy metalheads, :’D lol) back to Osnabrück. There we walked around from 1 am to 4-5 am, I cant really remember. It was very cold and rainy, it was.. an experience. :p All the hotels were full, or we were too late. We walked some streets four times or so and ..saw the whole bloody city! In the end, we found shelter in a bus stop. :) We waited for the night bus and went to the station, where we tried to sleep (we had to wait for the train at 07:18 am, to Oberhausen) among the scum, ..they really were! Heheh. And some kids with beer, yay.. But of course, it was way too cold and we got (again :p) nervous cos of all the other people. At 06:30 the sandwich shop opened tho :’D and everybody went to get a sandwich. So did we (and coffee, aargl) and we took the train later, saw the Ruhrgebied (yay, industry..) and got to Oberhausen!! :D

Oberhausen was…grey also, blegh d: Our mission was to find the music halls first, we couldnt stand the chance of being late on this gig..! And we found the street that we had to walk aaaaaall way to the north (40 mins or so) and you may guess what happened. :p Exactly, we headed south. STUPID! Argh! But in the end we found it, and had lunch, went to all the cafe’s in the north we could find (three)(others: closed, whatever) anddd went back to the halls! There we stood, finally, amongst the big metal crowd ……WE HAD MADE IT! HELL YEAH! Cold, filthy, but hell yeah, we were there! :p

The gig. The beer was pretty expensive, three euros per plastic cup :/ But we had enough beer and vodka already, so heheh..Hatesphere was funny, one guitarist was headbanging really cool. Ektomorf was a sort of ..Soulfly, but also pretty funny..

Can you imagine how happy we were to see them? :p
Well, we wouldve been anyway of course ;)
Mikael jumping up and down, the band moving along the stage, the crowd all excited and euphoric, it was fcking great :’) They played a lot of new songs, but also great 'older' ones as ‘White noise/black silence' Wow. Wow. Wow.
I loved it. I really did.
I had been 'waiting' since the 15th of Novembre for another gig of DT and here it was, :)
It was worth walking around Osnabrück all night for
Haaaaaaaaa :)

Later Kreator got there, but hah, we had seen them on Saturday :p
Nah, not really, but it is not really our thing anyway. Its a really German band btw.. (But nice, yes okay)
It was fun to be the only Dutch ones around there too btw (well, we think we were).
And at 22:30 we celebrated we had been awake for longer then 48 hours :’D heh :p What things we do for Dark Tranquillity eh? Hehe. Well we shouldve found an hotel :p (And DT shouldve been touring more and not go to the Netherlands on a Friday but okay :p)
Yeah, we went to the ‘afterparty’, talked to band, had a great time..
But they close the pubs in Germany at 12-1 o’clock, how much does that suck?
So there we were again. On the streets :p
We had to chose, either go home at 21:15 or 03:43 :p A choice easily made :p We were getting pretty tired (but espec. cold, we’ve been quite energetic this weekend, which was odd) and these music halls were on (doh) an industial area >_< So no clubs to go to.. So we went to the Burger King, and drank coffee, but they closed at 02:00, so we went to the MacDonals after that and then got the bus to the station and then the train to Oberhausen, then Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach, Viersen, Venlo, god knows what stations :p I wasnt really conscious, more on standby or so. :p My friend went to the uni in Eindhoven at 07:00 (one of the passing stations) and I went on to my uni in Utrecht, where I got at 08:00am and I quickly biked home, got my stuff and went to Russian :p But I was sooo tired that I said I was sick (I felt pretty terrible!) and left halfway the lesson. I slept from 11:00-14:00 and then got up to go to my other lectures (linguistics). (1500-1800) Then I went to the supermarket, later ate my dinner and wrote this!

It was a wonderful, terrible, interesting, long-long-looong weekend :p
I hadn’t slept from Saturday (10:30am) until this morning (11:00am)… that’s long :p
It was like… big day ……or four days, I dont know :p

Thanks DT, rock on! ;)
And 'xcuse me for the length, but it was such an experience :p
I left big parts out, too :p


Ohyes, it was snowing for quite some time both days (or raining) and about -3 to 3 degrees Celsius. The snow looked[/i] nice tho (espec in those ..older cities)

I have got terribly aching muscles and at times I get really weird big red spots? eh.. stains? on my face. And my skin is ..pretty sore on my feet and legs.. I think I have the flu now. :p
But it's not that terrible as it may sound, .....I think :p
(but my legs, my leegs, aarghl)
The funny thing is, I felt the above story by Wazoo was probably the most exciting thing I have read in a while - I was about to scream "NOOOO!!!" when you were late at the gig in Osnabrück. :yell:

Luckily the story had a happy ending, otherwise it would have ruined my day. :p

Heheh :p

You know what I just realised?
I barely said anything about the gig :p
But then, at that time I was awake for.. what 45 hours? And finally we were gonna see them, I was in the second row, and just got..overwhelming :)

I'll try to remember some more :)
oooh what a story.... its even more adventure than my snow chaos story (when we nearly got stuck in the snow on our way to salzburg and on our way back even more), getting to work after 3 hours of sleep and only 2 dark tranquillity songs... but well there was still vienna on the plan at that time... and it was all worth it :)
great story!
It kind of obvious and has been from day one; Headlining bands play more songs than the opening acts.

Dark Tranquillity is a smaller band (and sales is just one factor in this), they're supporting on Kreator's tour and not the other way around. Kreator has been around for over 20 years and is one of the most influential European thrash metal bands out there hence the older, perhaps more conservative fans. If Dark Tranquillity impresses Kreator’s fan base, the Kreator fans might get some of DT's albums and see them again. Smart, long-term planning in order to not only keep fans but also get new ones.

A headlining tour is great for everyone who is a fan right now, but attracts few new fans compared to a successful tour as supporting act. If you look back and see the names who have started as support acts for larger bands, you'll see big names there, anything from Van Halen to Iron Maiden. Even though this tour might be worse for everyone who's already a DT-fan, it's a good thing for the band for the future.