but i think there was many special pullovers..... maybe one of them a tour...
ohhhh yes, one of my friend get a a special pullover in the first rows.... maybe that was the tourshirt, coz it wasnt a normal aydy pullover! i'll ask it
Anyone over here who will be able to take us (2persons) from the concert in Kaufbeuren to Munich by car? We will pay for fuel etc ;). You can contact me via the EMail function of the forum.
2006.01.09. Children Of Bodom - Budapest - Petőfi Hall

We arrived 1-2 hours before the opening but fortunately we had enough beer.
One Man Army And The Undead Quartet were already playing when we managed to go in.
First we went to the checkroom to put the jackets and packets down.
I watched OMAATUQ they weren't that bad. Then Ektomorf came to the stage...
No comment, I don't like their music despite my friend and I went closer to the stage.
Soon the COB crew guys came to the stage and we were fighting for being in the first row.
The intro was not the original The Beatles version of Twist And Shout and it was really quiet.
The guys came to the stage and started with Living Dead Beat.
The setlist was the same, now I don't wanna write all the things down.
After Angels Don't Kill you could hear Jaska's double bass drums:p
He did a fucking great drumsolo and Alexi came to the mic. and said:
"Jaska Raatikainen on the fucking drums. He's a crazy son of a *biaa-aaa-aaaatch*"
Great ovation and I just never understand why the fucking fannybaws started to scream "A-lexi A-lexi".?!
Hah, damn Jaska did an exhausting solo and they just don't give a fuck about him but Alexi...
I think I was the only one who screamed "Jaska - Jaska". Idiot motherfuckers.
After that the guys came back and they started Bodom After Midnight and Bodom Beach Terror's mix.
I was singing like hell with a girl and it seemed Henkka liked it cause he always came
on the right side and smiled at us:D
One of my dreams came true when they started to play Follow The Reaper. \m/ I voted for COB and FTR at that poll
and hell yeah I heard FTR live!!!
Before Needled 24/7 Alexi asked us to go fucking crazy because he wanna see fuckin' moshpits on here...
When the song ended the solo duel started. Alexi pretended to be a waiter and brought beer to Janne on his guitar.
Suddenly Allu and Janne started the opening riff of In Your Face. It was cool live;)
Alexi asked the "Budapest Hate Crew" that are we the real motherfucking hate crew?
And then they started to play Hate Crew Deathroll. The melody part was really good.
I always liked those parts where the audience has to sing:p
But the bad thing was that the fannybaws didn't know the lyrics and I heard only 2-3 ppl singing with me:/
Alexi said something about a black guy and they started Are You Dead Yet?
I knew we're getting closer to the end of the show 'cause I knew their setlist too.:p
The guys left the stage what the audience doesn't really like and then Roope came back and played a
fucking killer solo for us.
An old classic, Lake Bodom intoned. Hell yeah, nearly everyone was headbanging like shit.
Then a slower one, Everytime I Die started. At the end of this song Janne started to play
the opening melody of Downfall then Alexi joined and played Mötley Crüe's Wild Side:D
That was fun.
When the show ended the guys came to the side of the stage and threw picks, drumsticks
and they shaked hands whoever they could.

After the show we tried to go to backstage from next to the stage. It was a bad idea but fortunately I knew the
way to their tourbus and we got in the area where the open aired stage is. We met the One Man Army's drummer who brought us
beer from their bus.
He's a really cool guy! We followed us to the backstage where I said hello to Jaska and the members came there one by one.
(We were talking with the One Man Army dudes and everyone:p)
Alexi and Janne quickly went to the bus but Roope was still there:)
We went to next to the stage where Henkka and Jaska were talking with a girl. We asked them about the show and Hungary.
They were really common with us. The fucking bodyguard was annoying and when the OMAATUQ brought us backstage pass
he (the bg.) tore it of us. Asshole!
Ok, we gotta leave the hall. Then I went to the bus and met the band again. Roope shaked hands again and told me
that his name is Roope.
It was like:
-'Hi, Roope'
-'Hi, we've already met'
(he misunderstood:D He thought that my name is 'wehavealreadymet')
-'I'm Peter, but we met at backstage'
-'No we didn't'

I took my cap off and I said
-'Yeah, we did:)'
-'Ah, alright alright'
he laughed
and then he said somethin like 'sorry dude I'm tired' and slapped me on the back:)
Alexi and Janne came out from the bus and signed the other guys' t-shirt, tickets, etc.
Alexi gave me a pick but Jaska couldn't give us drumsticks (rumpumaila:D) 'cause they were packed.
A dudette gave Alexi my pullover 'cause it was cold outdoor and I think it's now somewhere in Germany:D
Then again the fucking security-guys... We had to leave the place.
Mondays always suck. But this was the best Monday! Hell fucking yeah!

(except one thing... I guess you're reading it hah..:p majd gyere inni)

@Bebli: That's all in a 'few' words I could tell you more of this night (accept my invitation to MSN)..if you want:)
2006.01.09. Children Of Bodom - Budapest - Petőfi Hall

I always liked those parts where the audience has to sing:p
But the bad thing was that the fannybaws didn't know the lyrics and I heard only 2-3 ppl singing with me

Yup had the same thing....but thats always good as alexi says nice things to the REAL fans that know the lyrics :D
Yes, that was a fucking great gig, but i have to agree with peti about the motherfuckers, who always shouted "ALEXI...." and that guys who can't scream (when allu asked) "I wanna rock!" just screamed "yeah" and grugged all the night.....
+ at sziget(2004) and summerrocks(2003):
'I want you to scream "play motherfucker" when I count to three okay?'

'yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh' pff:D
Fooking cant wait for the 25th, seeing the gig at bradford :headbang: anyone else going to that gig?