yes, and they are used to come to our black metal club every weekend... and we have to tolerate them:'(
now we are just laughing on these shitfaces....
we can't coz this is a gig pub(do you understand me?) the "Hungarian Black Metal Club" used to make concerts here with 3-4 band and there are body guards..... so we can't do anything, but its no problem coz we always can laugh:D
Omfg....I really cannot understand how all of you people get to really meet the band!! Seriously, maybe I sound like a fuckin fanboi now...but I dont care...I WANNA MEET THEM. How the hell do u guys make it sound so easy to meet the fuckin band...arent there bodyguards n stuff??? I didnt even bother to try i Tilburg, I didnt even know the venue, let alone where their tourbus was. Fuck I am so fuckin jealour right now....
i were with peti but i didn't get to the band coz my girlfriend were there:S but in hungary is so easy, if u are drunken, u can do everything:D jump down from a shopping center, everything!----peti ez neked szólt:D
Lithium said:
Omfg....I really cannot understand how all of you people get to really meet the band!! Seriously, maybe I sound like a fuckin fanboi now...but I dont care...I WANNA MEET THEM. How the hell do u guys make it sound so easy to meet the fuckin band...arent there bodyguards n stuff??? I didnt even bother to try i Tilburg, I didnt even know the venue, let alone where their tourbus was. Fuck I am so fuckin jealour right now....
dude as I've already written in my review the bodyguards gave me out of doors twice. It wasn't that easy cause I'm a guy. For girls it's always easier you know.

@Fredy: the bus was in a closed area this time:erk:
pepe: i don't think so, u know i were many places in the world...
for example: when i were 12 i were with my father in bangkok (thailand) and my father said that take out the camera from my father's bag, when i tried to take it out the police came to my father and said that i'm tried to steal his camera...... no comment