yesterday in vienna: it ROCKED!!!!

one man army was FUCK but ektomorf rocked and COB fucked them all!

for those who where there: "janne sucks dicks" *rofl*
Lithium said:
Yea but no one was singing the freagin lyrics :D
I was.. but most of the people there werent even fans or something.. the front people were ALIVE.. like me.. but the back .. damn they were like waiting for to go home..
HomerJ_123 said:
yesterday in vienna: it ROCKED!!!!

one man army was FUCK but ektomorf rocked and COB fucked them all!

for those who where there: "janne sucks dicks" *rofl*

JANNE WARMAN SUCKS DICK!!! the aftershow party Janne was pretty pissed off...and Roope was drunk, Hennka was cool, so was Jaska, but Alexi left pretty quick...Alexi wrote something related to the song 'Lake Bodom' on my Something Wild: Rated (R) for retarded
"You'll figure it out later..."

I got everyones sign on my Hatebreeder and my Something Wild :D

And Ektomorph were pretty much like Soulfly, One Men Army + the undead quartet were Death Metal Elvis + the guy with the ugly guitar....
Is there any frenchs here ?? I'm going to the Lyon's gig on january 17th and I'm looking for people who are going there by car (train is too expensive, fuck off). I 'm frmo Montpellier.
See you on tour!
DreamingNature said:
I was.. but most of the people there werent even fans or something.. the front people were ALIVE.. like me.. but the back .. damn they were like waiting for to go home..

U couldnt have been more right...I was standing roght to the left side of the sound dudes in the middle....more towards the front though....behine the pit. Check the beginning of this thread to see when alexi noticed me :headbang: I was so fuckin happy....WE ALL FOR NONE AND NONE FOR ALL!!!!!!!
The Bringer said:
That doesn't make much sense, can you explain it abit better?

I ask Alexi 'Could you write something related to the song lake bodom, you know, its my favourite song...'

Then he wrote
"Lake Bodom"
Rated (R) for retarded

(R) is some kind of seal or something

Then I asked him 'what does that mean?'
' doesn't make sense at all,'ll figure it out later"
'ah, ok...thank you'
DUDE!!! How the fuck so u get into these afterparties?????????? Fuck I wanna meet the band!!! OMFG4l3XI!!!1111
for those who know croatian...
i'll translate it later or in a few days,but i think one man army,ektomorf and c.o.b.are satisfied with the crowd...
croatia rocks!!! :headbang:

we were surprisingly awsome!

and cob...oh my god...they were perfect!every last one of them!i practically had an orgasm when janne and alexi had a"guitar&keyboards duel"!!!

it was amazing...i'm still having a heart attack!
too bad alexi didn't have time to give everyone a signature(there weren't a lot of us)so i didn't get one,but that's ok,i have fantastic memory of the time of my life!!!

:headbang: ..::Children Of Bodom::.. :headbang:

" Thursday in Boogaloo,the long expected concert of the finnish metal stars Children Of Bodom. For a long time now in Croatia there wasn't such a large number of people on a metal event. Around 8 PM when the concert started the club was almost full and there was a tough struggle about the last free places in the wardobe. One Man Army and Ektomorf who played as support bands couldn't stop thanking the croatian crowd on such a good support.

Unfortunately I missed most of the One Man Army & The Undead Quartet gig, the new band of Johan Lindstrand - the legendary vocal of The Crown. The last three songs I was able to hear were great, and judging by the reaction of the crowd you could come to the conclusion that most of the people share my opinion. I was expecting a large group of people, but it never crossed my mind that I'd have to push my way through the mass to see the first support-band. Even Lindstarnd himself couldn't believe his eyes and he kept repeating how he never met such a good crowd anywhere.


After them on stage came the very well known Hungarian band Ektomorf who started their gig in the usual rockin' and full of energy, but very soon most of the hot mass was tired of them and the anxious expectance of the headliners began. They also endlessly commended the crowd who gave them a worthy salute and the countdown to the Bodom gig began.

After the standard preparations and rigorous checks on the stage to make sure everything is in shape, "Twist & Shout" starts to play in the background, hands go up in the air and COB come out on stage. The rampage spread in most of the arena, security guys struggling with the people who keep pushing the fence. The guys from the security and organizers not letting the press with passes go infront of the fence because the space is too narrow. Mostly, caos rules.


The song line up is mostly new, with some of the old ones: "Living Dead Beat", "Sixpounder", "Silent Night, Bodom Night", "Hate Me!", "We're Not Gonna Fall", "Angels Don't Kill" . After that follows a very interesting drum solo, and then my favoritesong - "Bodom After Midnight" in a combination with "Bodom Beach Terror".

The most interesting part of their show was definitely the "Guitar & Keyboard Duel"in which Alexi Laihoand Janne Warmanshowed their envious solistic knowledge on guitar and keyboards.


After more than an hour of playing the guys leave the stage, but very soon they come back. The encore begins with a guitar solo by Roope Latvale, after which they treat us with three more old hits "Lake Bodom", "Everytime I Die" and "Downfall". After that they thanked the audience, said goodbye and with "Fight For Your Right" went backstage.

The biggest compliments go to keyboard player Janne Warman who perfectly did his part of the gig even though with his silly attitude and tipically vertically set keyboards he gave the impression of asking himself: "What am I actually doing here?". All best to the other guys too, they really gave their best even though Alexi's vocal abilyties couldn't quite be expressed because of the usual bad acoustics in Boogaloo.


With just a few minor gaps this was an excellent concert. Even though discussions of why they didn't play this or that, they should've played more old stuff etc.took place afterwords, I don't think there were a lot of those who went home dissapointed, or those who had regrets of giving 17.2, that is 20.6 euros."


:rolleyes: this is my time and sweat put into translating and i hope someone will appreciate the effort! :zombie:

i'll post the interview with janne in the interviews thread when i translate it.
