Peti said:

Eleonora said:
COOL!!! when your headache is over tell us all!!! but damn it, it seems i m the only who haven t meet them yet... maybe one day!
Don't worry Eleonora. I waited around 5 years to see them... The day u'll meet them will come!
Lanterns said:
Apparently, Allu is injured...some fucktard hit the "wildchild" thread or ask "Henri From Hell".
I don't think so... That dude is just talking bullshit.
Now, my headache's gone, and so here's my "review" from the fabulous night. The pics are coming soon, but first I gotta sort them out!
My sis and I arrived to the venue 20min before the doors open. We were then meeting some friends inside. The gig went perfectly. I was standing in front of Henkka, right on the first row. The intro was “Twist and Shout”, but the lyrics were not like the ones from The Beatles… It went something like “Suck it up baby…”. But it probably was like this on the other gigs.
The setlist was the same from the other gigs. And, fortunately, a lot of people were singing the lyrics! No one yelled “Alexi” after Jaska or Janne’s solos, but neither their names. I did shout for them all, but I don’t think much people heard…
Oh! And Alexi did that bartender thing again, and I got it on video!
In the end, a few minutes before the security guys decided to kick everyone out from the club, I saw Jaska leaving from backstage and went to chat and take a pic with him. Guess what? While we were taking the pic, Henkka pass us by, and I’m just like “Hum… I know that coat… Wait a minute: that’s Henkka!” and then just said something and so he looked back and came towards us again. We took some pics, I actually asked him to smile on the 2nd shoot (cause he rarely does it!) and we just started laughing, so we look kinda weird on the pic! Then we chatted for a while, and he told me he was going to the bus. So, cya, very nice meeting u!
But then we got kicked out. I had decided I was not leaving the place without meeting the whole band, so we decided to look for their bus, on the nearest car park. We found it, and waited for the hate crew! Lots of rodies, guys from Ektomorf (very nice fellows!), guys from Army (nice guys too!), but no sign of Janne, Alexi or Roope.
Since the venue is on one bank of the river and since it’s Winter, it was freezing! We couldn’t feel our hands, feet, etc… We were really really cold, but we had to wait!
Finally we saw 2 guys from a distance, coming towards us, and I thought they had to be Janne and Alexi. I got it right! We chatted for a while, Janne actually ended up talking on my mobile to my mom (lololol), and they went inside the bus.
Then, last but not least (like 1hour waiting), Roope arrived, pretty drunk but very nice! We took some pics, and he told me he was going to see if he could arrange me a pic with the whole band, so he took us to a place more near the bus, were we all met again, and got some guitar-picks from Henkka and Alexi (who was wearing this cowboy hat). Then time for everyone to go (including us!), so we said goodbye to everyone and that amazing dream come true was over…
They were all really really nice guys!
Alexi was so chilled-out, so easy to talk to.
Jaska was always smiling, so sweet, very down to earth, nice to talk to.
Janne was very funny, and again, very nice to talk to.
Roope was very ncie but due to his state we didn’t talk that much…
And finally Henkka, was a sweetheart! Very shy (well, not more than I was for sure!) and easy going! Definitely a very nice person!
Loved meeting them all, after a 5 year long wait! Meeting them has just made me love Children Of Bodom more and more!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
PS: Oh! And I got the Are you dead yet? girlie! It’s soooo cool! I’m glad they got us *I mean girls* some nice stuff!
I forgot to say that, as I feared, the stage was too small for the car and stuff... We just had some lights e smoke. Not even the COB thing withe lights....
But it still kicked ass!