Keyboard exchange?:eek:

@paansen: I have a slow internet connection so I think I can't :erk: sorry
but someone has already started to upload it if I remember right
Greg Moore said:
Yeah it really sucks that Sixpounder is missing. Also missing are Are you dead yet?, We're not gonna fall, Everytime I Die and Downfall.
+ the beginning of the solo duel ... god fucking dammit I don't understand its reason :err:
RocketKuin said:
i am so sad, leaving aside some cool things, songs, and stuff like that.. i must say i'm completely disappointed :cry: i've been a proud supporter for so many years... i even like the last record! (i should clarify on this, but that's not the point)... there is only one word to describe it: disappointing. i swear!

i was at the barcelona gig too.. i think i don't know a single person who's left that concert in a kind of state of euphoria. which was the feeling i clearly expected.

breaks after almost every song, indifference to the crowd (a sincere laugh only when alexi picked up a string some girl had thrown on the stage).. but the worst was that some songs sounded there had been no rehearsal. on some solos i'm sure thay stepped on each other's parts and some songs really pissed me off. not because of the setlist, that could have been much better indeed... this is all my oppinion of course and i hope that the most of you don't agree, for it will mean that you enjoyed the concert! :)

what a pity, i thought it would be The DAY to remember in 2006, but i tell you it wasn't! :cry:

and btw... hehe, Henkka T. Blacksmith played topless :loco: but it was not quite enough to go home happy!

anyway... i love you so much guys! :-S

mmmm, Jo vaig sortir realment satisfet del concert. És normal que fagin Breaks; no són màquines tampoc, l'Alexi i els altres, van tocar realment bé, he vist concerts que no tenien el so tant nítid com el que van tindre. Realment a mi les cançons hem van sonar molt bé!! A proposit de públic-músics, dacord que no va ser molt intensa, pero tampoc no ens van deixar de fer cas. :rofl: Després del concert, els vam conèixer sense cap problema.
This pic is in Porto!

Mine are coming soon... :)
i need to see them again to change my opinion. Rayden ad has been to the same concert as me and he liked it!
in fact, doesn't matter what was the concert like, i may consider to tour europe from concert to concert after my exams XDD

/me keeps on dreaming...

edit: today i came back to the city by car listening to hatebreeder first and to HCDR afterwards... and remembering the concert. probably it was more the shitty mood i was in than the concert itself. i went there with a couple of friends that had some troubles with each other and even if I didn't tell them, it pissed me off quite a lot.

hey, you guys who are looking forward to go to the concert please enjoy it twice as much, one and a half time for you a little for me too. if I was sad when I wrote the first post on this thread, I'm worse now :cry:
It's not the entire gig because I don't have a long time cassette so i had to do choices. I 've never said that i've filmed all songs -> I've filmed a big part of the show of Lyon 17/01/2006.
bzou said:
It's not the entire gig because I don't have a long time cassette so i had to do choices. I 've never said that i've filmed all songs -> I've filmed a big part of the show of Lyon 17/01/2006.

i ve donwnloaded it ... nice video :tickled:
bzou said:
It's not the entire gig because I don't have a long time cassette so i had to do choices. I 've never said that i've filmed all songs -> I've filmed a big part of the show of Lyon 17/01/2006.
ok sorry I misunderstood then.
but thanks anyways :headbang:
Sooo it's been a while since I have read this boared... nice new layout..

So almost 28 januari.. I'm looking forward to it. thnx for the pic's now I'm really really looking forward to it.

also nice setlist.

see you guys there
WOW! How amazing was last nights gig at Rio?!

Maybe I'm a tad bias, cuz I've been waiting to see them for sooo many years, but wow! It was well worth the wait! I was very glad that they played Silent Night Bodom Night, Hate Me, Follow The Reaper, Lake Bodom & Downfall (What a song to end on!) & the Bodom After Midnight/ Bodom Beach Terror was cool too!

I would post my photo's but I can't figure out how to! D'uh! (Any help appreciated!)

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the gig as much as I did! :headbang:
