Alias said:
Well I'm afraid that'll be a problem. None of my friends listen to metal. And trust me, I've tried to talk them into it! The only sibling I have is 14 and female and definetely not into metal and definitely not coming with me I'm afraid... And yeah, I do want to actually see something so I'll probably try to stand in front (I'm 1.65m..) But thanks anyway :)
(Btw, I'm a girl, not a dude. :) )

Srry for that ''dude'' :Spin:
little late but the gig in hardenberg rocked:headbang:
I was glad that I went. It surprised me that it was a very small building. But I had great view standing in front :D

Can't wait till the next concert.
Peti said:
^the same happened to me 2 times... I still haven't seen Edguy live :cry:

anyways, welcome to the board:wave:

ooh thnx everybody..:)
poor you.. even my mom feeled sad because of I couldn't go
but I'm not new at the board.. already been here for a month (I just don't post that much)
but thank God I could go to the gig in Tilburg a month ago!!:) (that's when I joined the board:loco: )
great performence in LKA by all 3 bands... unfortunately i missed most of them because me and my girlfriend nearly getting crushed in the front and then when cob started she even collapsed and security had to pull us out...

ektomorf rocked! (@ dude666) and i my mood was :headbang:
when cob entered the stage :worship:
the next moment i couldn`t move because everybody pushed to the front and i was like :yell: and because of those #+*~\" ::hotjump:
my girlfriend collapsed, a friend felt and 7 dudes ran over him, a teammate broke his nose... not bad for my fist concert hm?
Hi guys!

I went to the COB live in Lille!
Damn good!
I was waiting for this for 6 years!
The show was great (even with the electric shutdown lol!)!
Truly, my better evening since long...

I was wondering... Did anyone recorded the show? I saw lots of people with camera so I was wondering if they could put the show somewhere on the net...

And could the live recorded in Lyon be put on the Bittorrent Network?

Oh, well, it wasn't that horrible...
Yeah, sure, we were all waiting for COB so the others bands weren't important but Ektomorf was "earable"... They also made the people move!
Nothing compare to Bodom though...

As for the live in Lyon? Nobody would put it on Bittorrent? It's waaaaayyyy faster than eMule!

:headbang: Keep rockin' :headbang:
ektomorf weren't that bad. one man army and the undead quartet (think that's what they were called) were way better though. ektomorf, the first song was alright but after that it was all pretty much the same (and way too much like sepultura/soulfly) - it was still good for a few 'warm up pits' though :headbang:
I never heard them before seeing them live, I prefered to OMAATUQ. First song I was like "It's so soulfly-like" and they really made the crowd move, was a great show. Unlike OMA who were pretty nice but didn't kick ass ;)
I think Ektomorph were better tbh. Yeah their songs all sounded exactly the same and the gutiarst looked like he wanted to be in Korn but I think their music better for jumping around than OMAatUDQ. But then again, I was buying merch when they were on so I guess it can't be that fair but I still heard it.
<-Warheart-> said:
I think Ektomorph were better tbh. Yeah their songs all sounded exactly the same and the gutiarst looked like he wanted to be in Korn but I think their music better for jumping around than OMAatUDQ. But then again, I was buying merch when they were on so I guess it can't be that fair but I still heard it.

i was still getting my tickets off a bastard scalper when OMAatUDQ were on, i caught the end of their set though, pretty good.

please god tell me you didnt buy one of those 'new' t-shirts with alexander on them instead of roope??
Alexander is way more important than Roope when it is about Bodom, to me.
I enjoy much more what he did than what Roope does ;). But still, I respect both of them, of course :) Roope's like a legend.