I am one of the people who thinks Eve of Seduction is one of the best songs on the album. I remember posting something about it when the album first released and thinking it was underrated. It has one of the best of Allen's vocal performances on the album, plus, it has a great chorus that actually accentuates Pinnella's keys and reminds the listener there actually is a keyboard player in the band.
On another note, I think The Walls of Babylon is very overrated. It is indeed a good song but I think it gets a lot more praise than it deserves. The new album as a whole I have listened to many many countless times yet it has gotten somewhat boring lately. Even when it first came out even though it is a great album it just left me with a little disappointment due to having such a high expectation for it after many years of anticipation. It just doesn't have enough versatility to keep me interested as long as past SyX albums have. I know that people get burnt out on albums and are able to go back to them after a break; but, even though I know I will eventually go back and listen to it again and like it as much as before I still got tired of it way quicker than albums like DWoT, V, and even The Odyssey. I still consider V not only my favorite SyX album but my favorite album period. Even though I have heard through it an infinite amount of times I don't get burnt out on it too long and when I go back it still astounds me the same if not more than before. V is very versatile and because it is it stays interesting and never starts to grate on me.