Ever been rejected? Post pictures of the Bint.

lurch70 said:
this thread sucks ... did in high school big time ... but then again i always chased women that were out of my league.
going through some bullshit as we speak as well ... but this is more my fault.
will work it out somehow ...
I've only recently started high school... it is not as bad as people say it is though!

LOL - only pic of her that I could find. Wasn't rejected in as many words - I really liked her, and she knew about it, but we ended up just staying friends. She started going out with a friend of mine instead, and now she's at uni in Cardiff.


Very nearly copped off with this one, while she already had a boyfriend (a mate of mine), who was only a few yards away in the club we were at. We were both pretty drunk, and very nearly went for it, but sobered up just before anything bad happened...


This one's my 'official little sister' - so, totally cockblocked from the word 'go'.


And, just to turn things around - I actually rejected this one myself, and ended up going out with her older sister (who, just to return things to the status quo, ended up cheating on me with another mate).
Claws of Perdition said:
Yep you have only just started... actually school is rather easy compared to working and bills, rent etc. Listen when your parets say school is the best time of your life unless your at military school they are probably right.

[/goes to hang himself now]

heh, no fucking way is school going to be the best time of my life.
dill_the_devil said:
LOL - only pic of her that I could find. Wasn't rejected in as many words - I really liked her, and she knew about it, but we ended up just staying friends. She started going out with a friend of mine instead, and now she's at uni in Cardiff.

Very nearly copped off with this one, while she already had a boyfriend (a mate of mine), who was only a few yards away in the club we were at. We were both pretty drunk, and very nearly went for it, but sobered up just before anything bad happened...

This one's my 'official little sister' - so, totally cockblocked from the word 'go'.

And, just to turn things around - I actually rejected this one myself, and ended up going out with her older sister (who, just to return things to the status quo, ended up cheating on me with another mate).

You are your mates sound really close!
I honestly don't get rejected. I land nearly every female I decide to go after, but then I fuck it all up once it becomes a relationship. :Smug:

this is who I'm completely infatuated with right now, and the reason I drove to Raleigh, NC and back :cry:

on the right:
I honestly don't get rejected. I land nearly every female I decide to go after, but then I fuck it all up once it becomes a relationship.

this is my main problem as well, and have just kind of gotten to the root of why this happens very recently ... have not dealt with it fully yet, but recognized the root of it ... bah
Oh I know exactly what my problem is.

If I don't look at the woman in a "relationship" way, i.e. if I only care about her for the night, let's say, I have no problems.

But as soon as I really begin to care for someone, and fuck me if I actually fall for that woman (happening now w/ the lady I posted above), then I get almost consumed by the relationship and spend far too much time thinking about it/her, if it's going to work out, etc. I wind up smothering that person I think, and that's what fucks it up.

I suck. I have to not fuck this one up, I really like this girl. I'd move to NC for her, put it that way.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Oh I know exactly what my problem is.

If I don't look at the woman in a "relationship" way, i.e. if I only care about her for the night, let's say, I have no problems.

But as soon as I really begin to care for someone, and fuck me if I actually fall for that woman (happening now w/ the lady I posted above), then I get almost consumed by the relationship and spend far too much time thinking about it/her, if it's going to work out, etc. I wind up smothering that person I think, and that's what fucks it up.

I suck. I have to not fuck this one up, I really like this girl. I'd move to NC for her, put it that way.

this is just like me ... but you kind of have to look beyond that ... the WHY you are doing that ...
I just met someone recently also that I hit it off with, and I started doing the same thing ... and then she said something, that just opened my eyes to something like a lightning bolt ... will deal with that first, before proceeding into this new connection ... if she is worht it, or feels the same about me, the whole thing will have to wait a bit.