Ever been rejected? Post pictures of the Bint.

MadeInNewJersey said:
then I get almost consumed by the relationship and spend far too much time thinking about it/her, if it's going to work out, etc. I wind up smothering that person I think, and that's what fucks it up.

Oh he's talking about me :lol:

I don't think I have pics of bint who rejected me but I'll browse my directory..
I gues sI trust you guys not to say/do anything retarded. Here is a picture of from when her and her friend decided to go to a store and try on the silliest vests and dresses they could find.
a chick doesn't have to be a metalhead to be attractive but man, i have to draw the line somewhere...good taste in music, not just metal, is pretty essential...
Dick Sirloin said:
I knew it wouldn't be long before this thread was full-on emo and 5+ pages...
nothing wrong with that.

And yea. Cultural/musical tastes would factor heavily on who I could spend that much time with. No rap. No Country. No Pop. Otherwise, i'm flexible.
Conspicuously Absent said:
And yea. Cultural/musical tastes would factor heavily on who I could spend that much time with. No rap. No Country. No Pop. Otherwise, i'm flexible.

Are you serious? You'd actually not go out with a bint just because she didn't listen to Circle of Dead Children? :lol:
no. read what I said. NO RAP. NO COUNTRY. NO POP. OTherwise I don't care.

But if she likes 50 cent, Garth Brooks or Britnery spears I'd shoot her down.
^metalhead chicks are hott. unless they're creepy and/or sketchy.

i think it's too much to expect a chick to not like any bad music, cuz let's face it most of the music appealing to the RC forum has 90% male fans....but if she likes a lot of good stuff i'm willing to compromise....i guess :rolleyes:
Ellestin said:
You mean you really wouldn't care if she had lowlife rap bullshit going 24/7 on the living room stereo?

For starters, she wouldn't.

The fact that I like rap/hip-hop notwithstanding (is it my favorite? no, of course not, but I've always enjoyed it), I'm simply not going to let musical tastes be the be-all, end-all of how this relationship may or may not work out. I've always had really varied tastes, and she digs that. She may not be into metal, but she respects my tastes and has told me that close-mindedness is a big pet peeve of hers, so....

We're going to see Widespread Panic (southern-styled guitar jam rock) in Raleigh together next month, and she digs lots of alternative-type stuff too. Hell, when I told her a little about what kind of metal I was into, she took me to this killer indie store in downtown Raleigh, where I was able to pick up the new Kataklysm & new Darkthrone discs. :cool: