Ever been rejected? Post pictures of the Bint.

cthulufhtagn said:
^metalhead chicks are hott. unless they're creepy and/or sketchy.

i think it's too much to expect a chick to not like any bad music, cuz let's face it most of the music appealing to the RC forum has 90% male fans....but if she likes a lot of good stuff i'm willing to compromise....i guess :rolleyes:
Meh, the only hot metalhead chick I know is Karen, the rest of the metalhead chicks I've seen or met are either extremely fat and goth... or simply goth.

Oh wait, there was that other chick that listened to stuff like Dream Theater or Cradle of filth who was extremly hot. She wasn't a goth, but she was a bit fucked up (too much into drugs and stuff). Still, in my case, I never hang with people who listen to my music and I'll probably never end up with a girl who listens to metal.
I've met a few hot metalhead chicks, but most of them are far too sketcky or far too stupid/one dimensional. Most of them are just rock/party/booze sluts and aren't the kind of person I'd want ot spend my time iwth. Good fun for a short period of time though
Dick Sirloin said:
You better not be a pigfucker and let me know this time!

I'm definitely not telling you! ;)

I'll be there April 21-23; we're going to the concert for certain on 4/22 (Sat), not sure if we're going 1st night too. I might just want to hang with her.

Are you referring to the one on Hillsborough St.?

Yup, Schoolkids Records, pretty much right smack in the middle of NC State housing, or at least it seemed that way.

Justin, did I tell you she was a UNC undergrad from 1999-2003? She cheered for both hoops & football.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I might just want to hang with her.

SHIRLEY you can sneak out to a bar on Franklin St. one night!

Yup, Schoolkids Records, pretty much right smack in the middle of NC State housing, or at least it seemed that way.

Yeah, we have a Schoolkids too with a great metal section (they have Xasthur and Drudkh for the love of goat!).

Justin, did I tell you she was a UNC undergrad from 1999-2003? She cheered for both hoops & football.

Neato. She graduated the year I began. How did you meet this broad?
Ha ha, re: Franklin St - she's actually not all that enthused about going "downtown" all that much, but maybe!

She works for my company, in a different division. We met at a training session when I was up outside of Boston in mid-February. Hit it off, and now I'm already too into her. lol
edit: ^ :lol:

The big mainstream music places around here carry all kinds of Moribund titles lately... namely Xasthur, Drawn and Quartered, and a couple of others!
