EverTune 7 String Bridge

Yeah, this is not autotune. :D This is fixing a "flaw" that regular guitars have... tune instability.

However... I'm hoping for a better bass software plugin or robot since I haven't met one bass player that I can get along with. :D
Fantastic ........ Perfect tuning and pitch and intonation ........... yipeeeee! Now I just gotta autotune my voice and I'll be set. Human feel and the "little" things are slowly disappearing in this world. It's all gonna end up sounding like GLEE!:Smug:

I can see your point I do agree that the world of music is becoming a sad place where the crowd is watching gigs like the jazz police and not enjoying the music but instead counting the mistakes. There's no rock'n'roll anymore for sure... that being said:

Perfect pitch is something we all aim for when we use tuners. It's not Glee or autotune... except for those who don't care about tuning their instruments (which is 50% of guitarists on YouTube).

The EverTune has the same purpose as Floyd Rose, locking tuners etc. so calling them Glee or autotune is stupid.

I for one love everything about playing guitar EXCEPT TUNING!! Imagine a situation where you don't ever have to tune anymore.


I did the same test on my PRS CE-24 today where I supported the guitar from every string separately and guess what. It also kept it's tuning!! The low E and G was slightly out I must say but I think I heard some of that in the Wes Hauch video also. I'm talking about a VERY SLIGHT out.

Don't really have any tuning problems with my gear except for the need to change pitches for different bands all the time... that's not easy on the EverTune though, am I right?
I'm completely with you on this one Clark. I personally feel that this bridge fixes an issue that guitars always had and I like the idea of not needing to tune my guitar every day but rather once every few weeks or month. I always had problems with strings going out of tune and I don't really like the constant retuning/checking tune after each take while recording in order to record clean sounding takes. Tuning probably just takes as much time as tuning with a regular bridge. The only difference is that the strings get tuned directly at the bridge with a small tool instead of using the tuners on the headstock. Ola demonstrates this in his video.

I also did the string pulling test yesterday and my low B went out of tune by about one semitone and the low E string by three. I use locking tuners with a graph tech nut and big bends nut sauce at the nut and bridge saddles. I have to add my Elixir strings were already more than a month old. Don't know if that changes anything. My guitars mostly stay in tune quite well however still need daily retuning even just for regular playing.
Perfect pitch always = GLEE! It's just so sad that we have come to this. Guitar is not the only one to be had by this phenominem. I love slightly (and I mean slightly) out of tune guitars, especially when you mute, how it goes that tad bit sharp. It shows a persons personality I think. Those little intricacies are what makes individuals. Perfect intonation and pitch just sounds so sterile. My favourite albums were recorded without all this technology and perfect editing and pure timing etc.

Same as golf. I can't believe the putters these days that are made to put the ball on a better line more consistently so that it masks a bad stroke. Huge cavity backed irons so that the ball goes in the air easier and straighter. Manufacturing the shot has gone out the window. It's bash and crash. Bugger all personality in the game now.

I can see it making life easier for those who wish to "stay in perfect tune", but like most things, I doubt whether we will see it as a norm for all guitars. It'll make those chopped up productions easier as well in the end.

But still, songwriting always gets overlooked for all the gizmos and gimmetry out there today. It's a shame that some tunes are recorded "perfectly". They could do with a bit of old school, learn to play it properly and with your own unique stamp on it kinda feel of the 80's and 90's.
slayer i think your missing the point. this is natural progression. those who dont like things that make the job easier will still do things the old way and there is nothing wrong with that. but i dont think it is sad that musicians dont want to have to worry about tuning in between songs or takes to make sure they are in tune. and you can still do a grungy out of time live recording with this bridge. it will just stay in tune the whole time which im sure the people who recorded those old school albums your talking about wouldnt have minded having.
Yeah, I really don't get people that whine over technological advancement. No one is forcing you to use it. And, in my opinion, good music will stay good and bad music will stay bad no matter what.
Fantastic ........ Perfect tuning and pitch and intonation ........... yipeeeee! Now I just gotta autotune my voice and I'll be set. Human feel and the "little" things are slowly disappearing in this world. It's all gonna end up sounding like GLEE!:Smug:

You fail in all your statements so I suspect that you have no idea what's evertune about.

I don't want to be a dick but you sound like an old man that thinks that computers are made by the devil. That's just plain and conservative ignorance.

To blame this bridge is just like blaming locking tuners or any mechanical device that helps your string to sit correctly. Evertune just helps your guitar to keep in tune. That's it. No perfect pitch. No perfect intonation and shit.

Perfect pitch and intonation is achieved with true temperament neck, and even with that, there's no sci-fi about it.

By the way, you can configure it so it goes sharp when you mute. Your complains have no sense at all since you don't know what you are talking about. You should really inform yourself before critizising.
I think the G model will as they use it to replace TOM bridges. Better check with EverTune directly if a clean install can be done before doing anything to your guitar.

I e-mailed evertune, asking them about my hellraiser. They sure take their sweet ass time responding.
Well actually the EverTune seems to have a noticeable effect on intonation somehow. Still it is possible to set it up just to play like a normal guitar with notes going sharp with hard fretting, hard picking and unintentional bends while playing complex chords and all that. If you think that these small out of tune things add to the character than that's completely fine and I can understand that. Reading what you say I don't think you really understand what it does.
I don't think it should affect intonation in any other way than if you have high strings and press down the string causes your tension to change so it'll fix it. It doesn't measure pitch in any way... that would be autotune right?

I advice you guys to use Antares on bass. It doesn't change the tone at all and no need to tweak every part separately.