Everybody's got problems...

Bear trainers at the zoo. Fishermen. They'd coax your bear with some salmon or something. You're mega-fucked then.
Me. I'd eat your bear, put on its skin, and terrorize you by saying things likes "IT BURNS INSIDE HIS BELLY! IT BUUUUUUURNS! OH GOD ISABEL HELP ME HE'S WEARING MY SKIN!"
Of course now that I'd be wearing a bearskin, I'd have the strength of the bear by berserk standards, so I'd take those mushrooms they supposedly used to take before battle and show up in headlines all over the US for attacking groups like PETA and the ELF. "Giant man in bearskin kills animal rights groups, makes funny hats and jackets out of their skins: Film at 11."
*squeals* Well at least SOMEBODY appreciates that movie. :)

Seems all my damned friends hate both Kentucky Fried Movie AND MST3K. :p

Edit 17000 yay!
Obviously many of you have never been nearly robbed at knife point. Many petty criminals are cowards who will back down if you offer the right degree of resistance. It's best to gauge them though, with time and practice you too can be able to identify the face of a reckless man with nothing to lose.
A few years back I was "mugged" on Halloween. The kid walked by me and my friend, grabbed my candy and took off. Sucker didn't know what he got himself into. I ran that bugger down and taught him what it's like to get an asswhoopin' from a girl.
Did you also whip him and yell out "you've been bad!"?
A few years back I "mugged" some girl on Halloween. I walked by her and her friend, grabbed her candy and took off. I didn't know what I got myself into. She ran me down and taught me what it's like to get an asswhoopin' from a girl.
yeah, as everybody already said, that is really fucked up what that guy did to you, isabel. that's something that just makes me mad beyond reason - men who think that just because a woman happens to be ... i dunno, out in public and not wearing a burka or otherwise just being obviously female that that means they're totally fine with being pepositioned, groped, yelled at, etc. and that it's their "god-given" right as men to invade their personal space. it's so fucking wrong and disgusting. hope that guy contracts some kind of fast-acting cancer that rots his cock off prior to death.
My dog is having some weird problems as well... I honestly think my sister did something to her since every time I try to go near her over the last few days she just snaps and barks at me.
that sucks! is this sister the fat one who kept eating your food and stuff? well, regardless, she sounds very punch-in-the-mouth-worthy

hope your dog starts to chill out
My cat has some weird skin disease and it has basically plagued his whole left hind leg. He might have to have it amputated :erk: The idea of a three legged cat might be funny but I really feel bad for it, considering I waited longer to treat it than I should have.
Thanks, I feel really bad because at first I thought it was a wound from a raccoon but the pet doctor said it was an infection/disease that has spread. I left him at the pet hospital (?) over night for shots and shit like that. I'm not usually sentimental towards these kinds of things but I'm feeling bad for the cute bugger.