Everybody's got problems...

Yeah my grandma is awesome.

But I still hate old drivers...with a passion. I scream really, REALLY fucked up shit to them when I'm driving. Things like, "I can't wait until all you old fucks die so I can finally fucking drive at a decent speed!!!!", or "Why can't you just have a heart attack and get it over with?!?!?!".

But I love my Gran. Nicest woman I've ever met. Period. She's a lot like Adam Sandler's grandma in Happy Gilmore, just to give you an idea. My grandmother and grandfather introduced me to Monty Python when I was a kid and used to watch it with me.
one of the guys on musician friend's grandmother always ask's him for death metal CD's.

I didn't think they existed...
one of the guys on musician friend's grandmother always ask's him for death metal CD's.

I didn't think they existed...
Oh man, they exist all right! I've got some Morbid Angel Cds, some Obituary, Deeds of Flesh, Illdisposed, etc.

They're out there, you just gotta look! Try the internet!