Everyone here will like the new Dream Theater... Even Spawn

Bought it yet Jordan? Sounds like I should get it too, when some money comes my way. Was listening to 6DOIT in the car today. Not bad, but far from their best.
Another convert!!! Welcome to our side Gore! :kickass:


Incidentally, I had a massive argument with a mate of mine about whether DT are a bunch of "prententious wankers".... no prizes for guessing what side of the argument I was on! ;)
But but... they have the Virg!!!!

Ok, there is alot of wankery involved with PX, they have no real sense of melody in the music, but fuck me drunk, from a technical standpoint you just listen in fucking shock!

I dare any drummer to listen to "Dog Boots" and say otherwise!
i can't get into Planet X, good musicians and all but the music tends to bore me
Goreripper said:
Dream Theater bores me shitless.

Fuck. Xena put "Images and Words" on in the car the other day, and since then I can't stop listening to it! I've become a DT convert!
:rock: :rock:
Dog Boots = :rock: That some damn fine double bass drumming all the way through. Kicked my ass when I saw them live as well!

I should be getting the Lmt Edition double Transatlantic DVD at my door step sometime today. Fuckin pumped for that. Neal Morse, Mike Portnoy, Daniel Gildenlow all on one stage together doing some of my all time favorite songs (Stranger in your Soul in particular)

Been to JB for the last two weeks running and they still don't have it! Aarrgghhh... must get it soon.

I also saw the other day they have tour dates in Japan for April. *crosses fingers for Australian tour but knows they won't*
:lol: @ Koichi

Checked at JB in Melb today, and they don't have it there either.... :(

Good work, Brian! Actually, even better work there by Xena... :)
Got it on Friday from Amazon. It's pretty good. James sounds like he does on the Mullmuzzler albums, which is a good thing. Actually, this is probably the best he's sounded since Winter Rose.
Apolyom-Todd said:
But but... they have the Virg!!!!

Ok, there is alot of wankery involved with PX, they have no real sense of melody in the music, but fuck me drunk, from a technical standpoint you just listen in fucking shock!

I dare any drummer to listen to "Dog Boots" and say otherwise!
I don't give a fuck about technical playing. I'm a mug punter not a musician. I want to hear songs, not some savant showing me how good he is. Besides, Tony Macalpine has always shitted me.
What annoys me about Planet X is that Derek Sherinian openly criticised prog when he was with Dream Theater, and then he forms a prog band once he gets the sack. Go figure.
Best he's sounded since Winter Rose. You are funny Spiff :)

He did sound great when with Winter Rose, but Images and Words era James smokes :rock: I am a fan of his no matter what any way. He was way off during OIALT, but that is the only real complaint I have about his career to date. He gets some critism for the LSFNY performance, but I reckon he sounds awesome on that!
Awesome production on OIALT? Are we talking about the same OIALT? The production is what makes me refuse to listen to it ever again.