EVH 5150 III 50 Watt in the room - all channels

Simon Dorn

Jun 24, 2012
Hi there!
Here's a sloppy playthrough of the 5150 III 50 Watt.
Uncut - Cam sound - in the room.
Guitar is a ESP LTD Max 600
Pickup: Seymour Duncan Super Distortion
Cab: Marshall MF400A, Celestion G12K100

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You're posting many nice videos! I can't comment on this one so my post is a bit off topic :S
I just clicked trough your videos on your youtube channel and i often read you used the SG-BOX but sadly there seems to be no video with the focus on it where you show how the SG-Box sounds when its closed compared to open. Something like a demo for the SG-Box. I'm still hearing some "boxyness" or lowend rumble in your videos even with the resonance absorber in the SG-Box cap but you also put the mic very very close to the speaker. I usually have it 1 inch away from the grill cloth which is like 2 inch away from the speaker front. I guess this resonance absorber is only on the front? And could you explain how loud it is in the room when you use your 6534 with postgain on 3?
I'm torn between building my own iso cab for my 4*12 which would be quite big but would also have a bigger room inside which COULD avoid that boxyness but i am not sure it will. But a selfbuild would still be cheaper than a gross man. When i go the smaler way an iso cab with resonance absorber would be preferable..and these things are expensive so i could also buy the grossman and could save the trouble of building.

Cheers ;)
Hey, cheers! :)
Maybe i should do a demo of the grossmann...I'm a bit more used to it now and how to mike properly inside the cab;tried different mics, different speakers (some of them weren't worn in, as i shot the vids, with no eq or filter or postproduction in most cases) and i'm still experimenting. I checked it with a vintage 30, g12k100, g12evh and a g12t75 with a sm57, 906 and with the sm7b. Single 57, single 906, or both. I have a few amps so there are much combinations possible, which doesn't make it easier =D
I got good results using the sm7b ( i bought it a few weeks ago as a vocal mic, originally) but i did no vid with the sm7, yet.
I guess peavey on post gain 3 is to loud for the small room inside the cab, though the lid and the cab is treated with resonance absorber. You find all the specs and some samples of the sg-box (open and closed) on the grossmann homepage.
I had exact the same thoughts like you now and i gave the grossmann a shot and i did'nt regret it. It's not a miked 412, in a treated room, but a very good (and relative silent) analog recording solution for a homestudio...And the speaker is frontloaded, which also makes a difference...
Hey ;)
That sounds like you can't mic the speaker in the iso cab like you would normally. I hoped that i could just take one speaker from my cab, put it into the SG-Box and mic it the same way as before. Becomes the sound more boxy when the mic is further away from the speaker?
I did a test and reduced the room right around a speaker in the 412 with wood and blankets to get similar roomsize like the Grossmann and it sounded like shit. When i put it around the whole 4*12 cabinet it doesn't color the tone. But its not comparable to a screwed and glued box with foam.
And..normally i don't trust samples from the manufacturer itself =D But also on their homepage i can hear lowend rumble when the box is closed. I hope that comes from a too small roosize..then a selfbuild would be the solution.
And i remember that you mentioned some time ago that the peavey doesn't sound that good at low volumes..thats because the preamp changes its frequency response when pushing the post gain..but the post gain is only the mastervolume for the preamp..the poweramp doesn't have one..so using a simple voltage divider/potentiometer in the loop solve this problem..then you can push the preamp and get the same tone on a lower volume level..my idea behind this was to decrease the volume inside a small box to reduce the lowend rumble but still have the better frequency response from the amp. But i don't know how that effects the frequency response of the speaker. I couldn't crank the amp to postgain 3 without the extra volume pot in the loop to test that. Could be worth a try when you experiment with your peavey, it becomes a lot tighter and brighter ;)
It works best with the SM7B, but that's another 385€ :) But it's definatley possible to mic (with a Sm57 or 906) as you are used to but you can't make it as loud as you normally would and you have to eq the sound with the amp to compensate the "room"
It becomes boxier the further the mic is away, but theres a frequency compensation sheet, to correct the things.
I think it is as good as it can get with the grossmann isocab. I liked it the best out of all possibilities ( Kemper, Pod, Axe, Torpedo) and i tried them all :)
I don't use the Peavey too much in the last time. I got other amps that i prefer at the moment...
So und das nächste mal einfach auf deutsch, das machts einfacher :)
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Hau rein!
Ja tut mir Leid, ich dachte es wäre sinnvoll auf Englisch zu schreiben damit vielleicht auch andere Leute etwas davon haben falls sie sich für eine Iso Box interessieren. Aber ich glaube diejenigen stolpern nicht über diese Beiträge =D
Ich würde zwar auch gerne ein SM7B besitzen aber als nächstes Mikrofon steht bei mir erstmal ein MD421 auf der Liste (wobei ich finde dass das 906 eine schon brauchbare Alternative dafür ist..zumindest was den Bassbereich angeht) 57 und 906 müssen also vorerst reichen ;)
Ja die digitalen Alternativen haben mich auch alle nicht überzeugt..zum üben reicht ein richtiger Amp mit Impulsen. Aber für Aufnahmen überzeugt mich auch das nicht. Naja, sonst würde ich mir nicht den Kopf über eine Iso Box zerbrechen. Aber nach deinen Aussagen werde ich wohl doch erstmal den Selbstbau ausprobieren. Klanglich müsste der aufgrund der richtigen 412er und des größeren Raumes eigentlich besser sein und er kommt mich auch nicht so teuer wenn es mir dann doch nicht zusagt.
Ich bin leider nicht bei Facebook aber wenn ich noch Fragen hab geht ja auch eine PN ;)
Kein Thema, das sehe ich genau so :)
Und meine Überlegungen haben mich zur Isocab gebracht :) (Kein Selbstbaustress, kein riesen Schrank, Mikro fix, Lautsprecher auswechselbar)
Ich freu mich aber über deine Erfahrungswerte damit.
Achso, falls das für dich relevant ist. Du kannst die Grossmann Cab mit Lautsprechern deiner Wahl problemlos für 14 Tage zuhause ausprobieren und bei nichtgefallen zurückschicken...
Du Glücklicher :) Ich kann FB eigtl. gar nich leiden, aber naja...so isses halt.
Schick einfach ne PM!
Gruß Simon