Examples of drum samples being used in major records


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hello, I got into the good old argument where people swear they defiantly can hear when its a real 100% pure miced drum set being used instead a miced set + samples being used for drum replacement.

So im looking for some examples of where the drums samples is being used on big metal releases.

You're better off asking 'what metal releases are 100% natural' because you can probably count them on your hand.

The only ones I know of that are 100% or near 100% natural are most In Flames albums and Opeth from Blackwater Park backwards. Kamelot's The Black Halo also sounds natural. Oh and all Dream Theater albums (bar I&W) but they're not really metal.

Pretty much any other metal album would have it. Most if not all of Sneap's, Bogren's, Joey's, etc. work is sample replaced/augmented.
Morgoe, yeah I know but I pretty much drawn a blank when I tried to think of a example where I was totally sure about it and could provide some facts to back it up heh.
Well I asked him to post a list of bands he was so sure had 100% real drums, so lets see if we can rip it apart hehe.

EDIT and Joey's work does not count course he does not consider post-hardcore/metalcore "real" metal /facepalm.
Well post hardcore is a sub genre of hardcore punk, so it's not metal anyway but that doesn't bother me anyway because I'm a huge fan of post hardcore bands like At the Drive In, Refused, Thrice etc, but metalcore is definitely metal
OT: But WTF is "real" metal anyways?
None of this shit matters and as an AE you should be willing to work with whatever genre you're given, even if it's not "real metal".
Again, im not the one saying it (Guess I dident really make that clear).
Actual I 100% agree with you, and I love metalcore/post-hardcore/crabcore and most other genre of metal.
don't believe in "real" metal and would never limit myself as a AE.

EDIT, and this topic was not about "real metal", I simply just wanted some clear examples of major releases with major us of sample replacement to kill the old "programmed/replaced drums sound like shit, pure drums is always prefered" attitude some people have.
Yeah holy shit can we get back on topic? lol... 8 pages of "what do you mean it's not real metal?!?!" - who gives a shit.
pretty much anything CLA has done recently
Hell even Fucking Nevermind has drum samples on it (yes i know thats Andy Wallace)... albeit done a LOT slower than drumagog
Eh, you misunderstood me.. I love joeys work, but the guy im having the e-argument with does not believe metalcore is real metal :saint:

Metalcore is not real metal. It's not always about the double-bass and tremolo picking, you see. Listen to "Metal Gods" by Judas Priest. It's always about the emotions. It's about being MAJESTIC. It's not about singing why your girlfriend thinks you're gay. Simply speaking, acting like a pre-teen emo on glue aint metal enough. ;)
Metalcore is not real metal. It's not always about the double-bass and tremolo picking, you see. Listen to "Metal Gods" by Judas Priest. It's always about the emotions. It's about being MAJESTIC. It's not about singing why your girlfriend thinks you're gay. Simply speaking, acting like a pre-teen emo on glue aint metal enough. ;)

Did you not get the memo? Re: FUCK OFF WITH THE REAL METAL BULLSHIT

Death to all BUTT metal :headbang: