Exercise to Opeth: Getting fit with Mike and the guys!

lol whatever floats your boat i guess:lol: i usually listen to some relaxing stuff like eva cassidy, sting, vast etc. gets me in the zone so to speak. thats when im running. weights is different... thats when i bust out the heavy shit:kickass::lol:

This is a good subject.

As "gay" as it sounds, I often do free-form danse to some of their works.

My three favourites for this are:

1. In Mist She Was Standing
2. Demon of the Fall
3. The Drapery Falls

In general a lot of their music is in a similar time signature as a waltz. So its fn excellent to have big sinister music to waltz to. I'm slowly weening the wife into this with "Harvest".

But try it. A shot of tequila is recommended, but not necessary, and commit to perpetual movement to the full length of one of their works.

Other than the health benefits you'll unravel a new/finer appreciation for the reigning masters of the Swedish Black Metal Movement ...

I've noticed that Opeth's music is in a similar vien as a Funeral. I try to mimic being buried when listening to Opeth, I try to have my wife stand next to me, sobbing uncontrollably, this is especially true with their opus entitled "My Arms Your Hearse"
I once ran several miles in a forest while listening to "Forest of October". Unfortunately, it was the end of September (^^), but it actually fitted quite well :)
But when the song was finished I turned my mp3 off, and the running improved because I could run in my own tempo, not being disturbed by the music :)
I used to run while listening to Opeth and some other stuff. And running at 21.00 in the winter when everything is getting dark. Really gives your a special atmosphere ,and you really run faster.
But one time my dog followed me and i didn't notice her for 5 minutes. And she had a habit of jumping me ,you see where it is heading he and well Fuck that really scared me.
I like to listen to Opeth while rowing. It's easy to just zone out and let your body just do its own thing. Especially on really long rows.