Do you agree with the opinion that anyone who's listened to every Opeth album....

Morningrise is my fav. It was my first Opeth album ('98 I believe or maybe '99 don't remember) and it blew me away. The only and I mean only complaint I have is the drum sound. Too weak! If Martin would have drummed on that album it would be 10x better. You can hear it right from the opening of "April Ethereal" on My Arms... that the sound is thicker,heavier, and just plain more kick ass and I think it is because of his drumming. More powerful. (check 'Once Sent From the Golden Hall' to really hear him go at it) The melodies in Moningrise are beautiful. The acoustic passages are mesmerizing. I sill play the hell out of it.
Morningrise is so good ... Advent is maybe in my Top3 Opeth songs.
If i had to choose between Orchid And Morningrise , I's choose the first one because it's more naturally beautiful ( hmmmm ) and it contains songs like Forest Of october which are more emotional ( listen to the riff after the solo :waah:) . Every Opeth album are must-have anyway , i starded BWP then i all downloaded then bought :] :). Np : Funeral Portrait Solo <= How they did that?!
Metalmaster said:
Stop that shit about the production of Morningrise and Orchid already. If you buy a painting, you buy it for the art, not the frame.

The analogy that makes sense to me is that the frame of a painting is like the artwork of a CD. Production quality is closely tied in with the music itself, like the quality of paint or materials used in visual arts. Great music ultimately transcends mediocre production, though still can be hindered somewhat. "Morningrise" is great but would be enhanced, to my ears, with a different engineering and mixing approach. Also, I thought they played "Advent" better live, with a smoother flow, so some of my misgivings of that album may come from the performances. One reason I'd love a live album would be to hear these older songs played in the newer style.

I'm not sure about the theory that started the thread, but I do agree that it takes many listens to the first two albums to appreciate them. It took a quite a few listens until "Night and Silent Water" clicked and now it's a favorite. But my favorites form the later albums clicked right away AND I've yet to grow tired of them.
The production is very important! It's one of the main reasons why BWP is definately my favorite... its very atmospheric and natural sounding, and not messy or muddy such as MAYH.... Opeth hit perfection on Blackwater Park.

For the record, Orchid is my 2nd favorite and Morningrise is my 4th.
/Z/ said:
Well, I'm not sure if I agree, mostly because I can't fully understand what you mean in some of your sentences. Anyway, I started with MAYH and I like MAYH the most.

Sorry, if I came off sounding confusing. I'll try to make it easier for you.

If Opeth fans listened to each and every Opeth album 50+ times, would most of them pick Morningrise, reason being, if you give the album the full attention it deserves chances are you will end up falling in love with it more than everything else? Especially the post-MAYH stuff.

For the record, Still Life was my first Opeth and it's still my favourite. I picked up Orchid, Morningrise and MAYH all at the same time but never really had the time to play them all long enough so they would sink in. At the same time I was still enjoying Still Life greatly! Then BWP came out and I bought it right away. Apart from its production it didn't hit me as much as SL had or MAYH for that matter. Yet I tried to listen to it over and over again while I still was neglecting the first two discs a great deal.

Now almost four years later, I realise the brilliance in Morningrise and feel had I given it the chance it deserved way back, I wouldn't missed out on it all this time.

NP: Tad Morose - A Mended Rhyme
morningrise=good album
but to me, it's actually by far their worst album
i love it but i find it's the only Opeth album that I get annoyed with.
the way the songs just seem to stop and then go into acoustic parts gets a little motononous
My arms your hearse was the first album that I heard from Opeth and got me into them, but Still Live is my favorite cd from them, but they are all good.
I just started listening to Opeth in 2000. I bought every album in chronological order and I love all of them. I really enjoy the style of their first two albums the best; the rest are really superb as well, especially Still Life. I believe the first two albums are the most progressive, however.
"Morningrise was my first Opeth album and it is also my least favorite."

Well, that kills the first albums is always the favorite theory.

I don't agree about Morningrise being the seasoned listeners choice. I think there's a personal connection we all make to each album. It's a matter or personal taste. I wouldn't guess that a theory could be applied like we're all the same.
AndICried said:
Grrr... Can someone please buy me Morningrise and Orchid, then send it to me. PLEASE!

Morningrise carries an atmosphere to it that I simply cannot describe. In this aspect, it is their best in my opinion. Very, very atmospheric album.

NP: Tad Morose - Sender of Thoughts