Experiences with the Laboga Mr Hector?


Harris Snyder
Dec 5, 2009
Toronto, Canada
So I'm shamelessly cloning a laboga mr hector... just got started today. These amps aren't available in Canada so this is really my way of just trying it out. Curious to hear from users what the opinions have been? How does it stack up, in the minds of ye sneap forumers, against the standard 5150 and Rectifier types?

From looking at the circuit, it's inspired by the dual rec. It looks like it should sound like a sort of "watered down" rectifier - but.. Maybe in a good way? I think Ermz posted that he found the tonestack weird, so maybe i'll rewire it. I'm basically doing this to see if i can find some katatonia like sounds, and to test my theory that this along with an HM2 was responsible for bloodbath's fathomless mastery tone
I played with one for some weeks when my 6505 was being repaired. All I know is that no matter what I did, the sound coming out of it was a lot more drowned than my 6505. If you tried to dial in some high end, it became really fizzy. Maybe it was just the one I played with. It also had a cleaner sound than a recto, something I liked.
That's all I can say, never recorded one though.
hahaaa very interesting... I said that the circuit looks like it would be "watered down" and you described it as "drowned". Very interesting indeed...

Yeah the high end thing - I've heard the tonestack was idiotic. Now when you say "cleaner" you mean less distorted or clearer? Or just less "dirty" sounding?
Less dirty, the problem I've found with rectifiers is a buzzy sounding quality sometimes. This one was smoother and clearer that the rectifiers I've played with. That may be good or not, depending on your setup. A boss sd1 was good with it, where the ts9 felt dull.

Of course that's just my experience, or the unit I played with.
My only experience with Mr Hector is watching this video by Ola:

I would say that the experience is gooood :)
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