Exposing Others to Metal

I know, that is why I didn't offend him. He tried to prove that I am stupid. I may be wrong but...
My dad grew up listening to some Black Sabbath, Motorhead, and classic rock, but he really doesn't enjoy anything I've played. My mom on the other hand enjoys the music, but she dislikes the vocals. But I have gotten her into old school Metallica. She always said I got my taste for "other" music from her. She supports and encourages the love I have for it. I did get my ex-girlfriend into Slough Feg, Arghoslent, and Lost Horizon though. Whenever I'm just lounging around listening to my music my brother is usually somewhere near by and I still haven't turned him onto anything. Aside for Slayer and old Metallica.
Guthrum said:
My dad grew up listening to some Black Sabbath, Motorhead, and classic rock, but he really doesn't enjoy anything I've played. My mom on the other hand enjoys the music, but she dislikes the vocals. But I have gotten her into old school Metallica. She always said I got my taste for "other" music from her. She supports and encourages the love I have for it. I did get my ex-girlfriend into Slough Feg, Arghoslent, and Lost Horizon though. Whenever I'm just lounging around listening to my music my brother is usually somewhere near by and I still haven't turned him onto anything. Aside for Slayer and old Metallica.
thats cool dude:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :Smokin:
Carcassian you are going to love this

I made my mom a mix CD of metal with many of the bands I like. Bands like Hypocrisy, Slayer, Naglfar, Vader, and Nile. She hasn't listened to the whole thing but her initial reactions were: "Why do they bother singing?" and "I like the one by the band Carcass, I feel bad about liking a song by a band called Carcass"
I had my mother listen to a Rammstein song a couple years ago because she studies German. I didn't get much of a reaction from her.
in my case, considering my favorite genre...its nearly impossible to turn people on to metal that aren't metalheads to begin with.
Dee Snarl said:
Boyfriends notwithstanding, a lot of people don't have it in them to give you the satisfaction - can't acknowledge that you might have turned them on to something cool that they didn't already know about.

But he used to be open to my recommendations... =\ And in the past has liked bands I've showed him. I don't understand it.

It's just something that happened after we were dating for about a year.
Zephyrus said:
oh ye of little mind, without Rammstein the industrial metal genre wouldn't have any balls.
I didn't say they were bad, I just said they weren't metal.
My girlfriend is pretty open to metal. So far I've gotten her into Testament, Slayer, Megadeth,The Crown, Blind Guardian, as well as some others that I can't recall at the moment. She'll listen to just about anything, but she doesn't like really anti-religious bands.
Last night I was playing some of my music around secondry students (about... 13-18, though I think there weren't any from the youngest end). As I remember, I mostly just played the Hammerfall I'd brought (I only took a couple of disks, one with some H, another with a mix of various things, including Nightwish, Nevermore, and one or two Hatebreed). I got a few people saying they liked it, and I don't think anyone actually said anything negative about it.

I'm thinkin' that power might be a good way to start people, it has the metal sound (in a general sense, allowing for the large variation between bands and sub-genres), people who can write proper music (I think a common complaint here about Nu-Metal and that is to to with song/music writing), and proper singers*.

*Growling and the like isn't really singing, is it?

EDIT: and Hammerfall's got some soppy songs too, which might be a good hook for some people.
Teh Grimarse said:
you = extreme fucking failure

I don't look down on that sort of vocals, but they aren't really what I think of as 'singing'. They aren't what I prefer, but I'm not arrogant enough to think my own like to be the universal truth. I prefer clear sorts of vocals, but I won't thingo vocals that aren't. I CAN chose not to listen to them when I don't feel like it.

Teh Grimarse said:
hammerfall is the faggotiest fucking pile of faggy fagness and faggery in all of fagdom.

Why/how? Educate me. Please.

(I do actually mean that, I'm willing to listen to your lesson, if you are willing to give it in a whatsit manner)

I'm still a little ill; I've done lots of walking, and not much sleeping in past 3-4 days.