Exposing Others to Metal

Teh Grimarse said:
1. i dont know what "thingo" means

As I said, I'm sick and stuff. I can't be bothered waiting half an hour for the right word to come along.

Teh Grimarse said:
2. if you like hammerfall, you couldn't understand why they suck.

Ah! Thank you! Now I have gained enlightenment! My life is complete! :notworthy Now I know why the music of Hammerfall sucks! It is because... oh, wait, I have to not like them to know why I shouldn't like them... okay... sooooooo, I just need to stop liking them, and I'll know! Yay! The path is sooo clear and easy!

Teh Grimarse said:
3. listen to and enjoy fucking growls. then maybe you wont fail.

I don't have a roblem with other people liking growly music, its just that my tastes are different. I prefer clearer stuff.

EDIT: By thingo I meant.... say bad stuff about... flame... reject... something like that.
Teh Grimarse said:
if your "tastes" do not include the vocals of literally half if not probably more of all the metal bands in existance, your "tastes" suck "ass".

Look, at the moment, I don't particularly like most growly stuff. I don't have any problems with them, they don't really annoy me or anything, they just don't appeal to me at the moment.

Oh, yeah, just remembered, I do listen to the Einjeher I've got sitting on this computer. As I remember, they're mostly on the growl side of things.

Please, answer my request. So far I think you've only attacked my opinions, not done anything to change them.

Educate me. I am willing to try to learn.
Grimace is much too busy at the moment trying to act like Dodens, however, since I'm both their personal secretary, I will ask in confidence his reasons for not liking Hammerfall, and get back to you.

Pretend it says O RLY.
Susperia said:
But he used to be open to my recommendations... =\ And in the past has liked bands I've showed him. I don't understand it.

It's just something that happened after we were dating for about a year.

Ah, so you two are "on the rocks"...

Teh Grimarse said:
you = extreme fucking failure

hammerfall is the faggotiest fucking pile of faggy fagness and faggery in all of fagdom.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Haha sig. I can't stop laughing.:lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't feel like forcing people into liking heavy metal. It's obviously not for everyone. Only if they want to try it. I introduced Dying Fetus and Slayer to some old friends before.
It's possible to introduce someone to metal, but you have to do it slowly.

for exemple, when I was 12-13 I liked rap (:erk: ) then I got into limpbizkit (:erk: ) then to systemofadown (:erk: ) then to slipknot (:erk: ) and finally to good stuff (:D)

It's important to do it in steps because it's impossible to introduce a non-metalhead directly into metal. I started with shitty things and got slowly into better music.

I'm glad I'm a metalhead today :D
MegustaMucho said:
It's important to do it in steps because it's impossible to introduce a non-metalhead directly into metal. I started with shitty things and got slowly into better music.

Something like that with me.

Actually, I started with The Black Album and ReLoad from Metallica. Then nu metal got popular, so I followed that for a few years. I mainly listened to Korn, Limp Bizkit, Deftones, Slipknot, etc. Then when I noticed nu metal was dying out, so I went back to Metallica. I decided to explore more into metal, so I started listening to Slayer. Then I bought my first Maiden album, The Number of the Beast, and I liked it, but Powerslave is the album that really blew my mind, and I was hooked. And from there I discovered most of what else I listen to by forums and stuff.
cookiecutter said:
grind is like the antithesis of everything normal music stands for so yeah, I can understand why it's impossible. :kickass: :kickass:

yeah try working with a bunch of idiots who sing along to KISS FM at work.

no wonder I'm a grindcore fan. I hate mainstream culture so much.
Susperia said:
Holy shit, my boyfriend is the SAME WAY!! Why are they like that??? He hates every band I like, and even if I introduce him to bands he would probably like otherwise, he says they suck. Especially if I like them =/
I don't know, it's incredibly irritating though, especially when they decide months later that they do actually like it because somebody else introduced them to it. grrr. Having said that, it doesn't really bother me anymore because I know that everything I listen to is good (hence why I listen to it) and at the end of the day, it is/was (he's still the same) him that is missing out. The fact I like so much stuff tells me it can't all be bad and genuinely disliked.
MegustaMucho said:
It's important to do it in steps because it's impossible to introduce a non-metalhead directly into metal. I started with shitty things and got slowly into better music.

I'm glad I'm a metalhead today :D

Agreed, I started with The Used. I don't hate them now, but metal is far better.

ohiogrinder said:
yeah try working with a bunch of idiots who sing along to KISS FM at work.

no wonder I'm a grindcore fan. I hate mainstream culture so much.

Bring in your favorite Grindcore album and play it as loud as you can. If they question you act normal, and say "what, you guys listen to your music all they time":kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Zephyrus said:
double guitars + double-bass drumming (just listen to Benzin!) are elements unique to metal. Rammstein has both. :p

ho-ho! Have you heard Benzin in Meshuggah's remake? :rock: