Exposing Others to Metal

Teh Grimarse said:
power metal is not better than rap.

If I was sent to hell and their was "gangsta" rap theme music, it would be torture, if the theme music was power metal, it would be tolerable.
UndyingDarkness said:
If I was sent to hell and their was "gangsta" rap theme music, it would be torture, if the theme music was power metal, it would be tolerable.

I was reading that, then thought "Hearts on fire, hearts on fire", then laughed a little.
Teh Grimarse said:
yeah, ok, i'd still rather listen to Ludacris for the rest of eternity than some lame wizard battle fuckoff crap.

renegade, renegde, committed the ultimate sin


No chance to get away, no time for your last prayer
When the prowler sneaks up from behind

i got all my friends into metal with metallica back in high school, then pantera, and as "extreme" as fear factory, in flames and one friend even bought a COF album. nothing beyond that. and it turned out to be a phase anyway. now they all listen to is rap...it's been like that for the past 5 years.
my sister once told me "they're just screaming" while I had a judas priest dvd on in my room. I wanted to smash her ................
anyways, :) metal finds you, you don't find metal.
either your friends will come around to it or they won't. it's a waste of time trying to convince them.
...is when someone listens to whatever you've got on and says "You're just listening to that to be different" - errrr, *no*, I'm listening to it because it's incredible!

If I hear one more idiot say "but that's just noise" I swear I'll insert the CD in their own personal "slot".... Grrrrrrrr! :-(
My brother got me hooked by playing me Metallica when I was about nine.
Now all he listens to is the current crop of UK Indie bands, who are all called The <somethings>.
Even though they're chumps now, I believe Metallica is still the best way of getting someone into metal. I managed to wean several friends off Green Day and Smashing Pumpkins through judicious use of Metallica, Pantera, and the odd sprinkling of Stuck Mojo.
MegustaMucho said:
It's possible to introduce someone to metal, but you have to do it slowly.

for exemple, when I was 12-13 I liked rap (:erk: ) then I got into limpbizkit (:erk: ) then to systemofadown (:erk: ) then to slipknot (:erk: ) and finally to good stuff (:D)

It's important to do it in steps because it's impossible to introduce a non-metalhead directly into metal. I started with shitty things and got slowly into better music.

I'm glad I'm a metalhead today :D

Yeah exactly. Almost no-one will handle going from 0-1000 well, so if they don't like metal at all really and you put on death metal or whatever its not going to get a very good response. Alot of the time, it has to do with the growling vocals. When I was introduced to death metal a few years ago I didn't really like it because of the vocals (Thats changed now) because when people hear songs they usually like to hear clear words and sing along and such, and for most of the time its hard to understand what the growling vocals are.

Usually theres an opening because they might like a metal song thats had alot of mainstream play which you can use. Start off with someone slow/meh and work your way up from there.

One of my friends is a big fan of Disturbed so I'm confident I can convert her. I gave her a few Children of Bodom songs and she said she loved them, and so I sent her some Iron Maiden songs and she loved the geeetar solos on that one. So slowly but surely I reckon I can get her into metal, probably not death metal for awhile though. (we'll see)

But for the most part you play a metal song and if theres growling vocals it gets shat on. Ohwell, their loss.
Mr. Tentacle Face said:
I managed to wean several friends off Green Day and Smashing Pumpkins through judicious use of Metallica, Pantera, and the odd sprinkling of Stuck Mojo.

id rather listen to smashing pumpkins than metallica and pantera, and i wouldve said the same thing even when i actually liked metal before anyone makes some gay comment