Extremely Long Fucking songs thread

Thanatopsis123 said:
Monolithe - Monolithe I 53 minutes

Monolithe - Monolithe II 50 minutes
What is this? The name and song length have me curious.

Edge of Sanity - Crimson (was this mentioned already? I'm too lazy to take 13 seconds and scroll up/down/over EDIT: HAHA I mentioned it in the first post, what a fucking retard).
Cool, I'm still not really sure what funeral doom is but I have an idea. Maybe I'll gift certificate them up on a blind purchase run next week.
hahaha yeah it takes a little time to adjust to and to learn how to successfully search for stuff. It's worth it though, I've found all kind of gems (höhöhö) there.
I found my Monolithe at Adipocere Records.

It didn't click with me. Too SHape of Despair-ish, who I don't like.
Okay! You can send it whenever, I'm not freaking out about my pile of CD-Rs right now because a) I've gone through a lot of them and b) I've successfully ignored those I haven't listened to yet, for the time being.