Eye opening...


You know it's funny, growing up listening to Rock & Metal.
It seemed like people had always had this negative thing
for fans of the genres. Norrow mindedness. It seems here in the last couple of years I have been seeing just how narrow minded "rock & metal" fans are themselves. It's sickening really. It's like people will bust someone's balls over liking Metallica, and because they don't listen to a band like Destruction.
Let's be honest here, Metallica helped put metal back on top, yeah they changed, but most bands do. Detruction is a "good" band, but don't you think they would give up the manhood to get the success that Metallica has achieved? Don't be a wanker, of course they would! The fans aren't rocket scientists, they don't split atoms for a living. There was a statement made a number of years ago that most rock fans the same menality of the the fans of pro-wrestling.... Not too far from the truth is it?
And what's up with people not giving new bands a chance?!
I don't understand why people won't try something new out. What are you afraid of? That you'll "like" it! There are a number of bands post 1995 that are doing some great things & you'll miss out because you wanna be "underground." That's pretty narrow minded, you know just like the people that busted your balls growing up...
Fuck Off!
I'm a Narrow minded Metal Head I cant help it. But its because I love Heavy Metal in many different forms and most anything else just cant grab my attention ..... now there have been shitloads of bands that I have discovered from 1995 to now that have never released an album before that year all Heavy Metal, with some Exceptions ... like Savoy Brown great old 70's rock band! :) I do really love some classic rock not alot but theres a few I cant live with out.... as for Metallica ... if they had changed the name of the band back in like '95 the Load albums would have been easier to take ... but even then there would be people that would hate them for that too ... Metallica are no longer a Heavy Metal band in a pure sense just because they enjoy such sucess they just arent "Hungry" for it anymore and that can make a big difference both for performers and listeners ... for me it was like HELL Metallica with short hair and Make up(untill it sleeps video) and all the little wannabes fell in love with it and they crossed that line ... which really sucked ... BUT! since theyre "demise" I have have discovered countless bands .. Metallica selling out made me explore, so in a way it was a good thing ... but for the record nothing will ever compare to the feeling I got listening to "Master of Puppets" for the first time 13 years old raised on The Doors and Beatles and the heaviest thing I had heard to that point was AC/DC and Motley Crue .. it scared the shit out of me but I couldnt stop listening to it ... Thats why I will always love those Fucking Assholes :D

EDIT: Oh yeah and one more thing ... I'm not "underground" because I want to impress ppl with my undergroundness I couldnt give a shit less what anybody thinks ... I'm "underground" because I dont follow any particular crowd ... even metal crowds have Clicks ... I dont really fit into any of them .... Why WTF knows ... I like what I like because I like how it sounds not because I want to fit into some group of ppl ... if I wanted that I would be a pop music/rap/hiphop white boy who wears his hat side ways and has his pants down around his ass ... hahaha naw it has nothing to do with any of that Bullshit
Is better to be narrow minded than wide ass spread :D

I guess I do give a lot of new true metal bands as much space as I'm giving to old band I never check in due time and I'm doing now. But I believe a distinction should be made regarding giving bands like Wolf, Doomshine, Made Of Iron, Superchrist a chance and giving nu bands (mallcore) any chance.
Wyvern said:
But I believe a distinction should be made regarding giving bands like Wolf, Doomshine, Made Of Iron, Superchrist a chance and giving nu bands (mallcore) any chance.

Uh-oh, you're being narrow-minded! :p
I'll rock up at a Megadeth show in a Bon Jovi or Poison tour shirt, I don't care what anybody thinks :) I love good songs whether they be heavy metal, hard rock, super-glam, pop, I don't care. There are just types of music where the sound bugs me so I won't listen to it, such as dance music and hip hop and also death metal and black metal I just can't listen to.

Obviously I have my favourite type of music which is hard rock, glam and melodic rock because I love big catchy rock songs and sleazy attitudes and big choruses and flashy solos and keyboards and I also love the look... but if I hear a great song with great hooks that happens to be a pop song then I'll like that song too. And I won't put anybody else down for liking what they do either. I will only get defensive (as people would have seen here!) when people shoot me down for liking what I like just because it ain't real metal or because it isn't technical or because they care about image or because metalheads aren't supposed to like it. FUCK OFF!

I like what I like and you like what you like, I see threads about death metal & black metal bands on forums and because I'm not into that kinda music I just don't click on them because I don't feel I have anything worthwhile to add, I don't go and put everyone down for listening to it. So I don't see why somebody who doesn't like Winger or KISS would bother clicking on a thread about them just to put me down for liking them.
I'm sick of being a one trick pony. If you like being confined to what you like that's fine with me. Don't blast people for having their tastes. Not all "newer" bands are "nu" or "Mallcore," example Silvertide, great band that is traditional rock, The Darkness kinda glam with some 70's vibes, Shadows Fall, far from Nu-Metal more like new metal...
Trixxi Trash said:
I'll rock up at a Megadeth show in a Bon Jovi or Poison tour shirt, I don't care what anybody thinks :) I love good songs whether they be heavy metal, hard rock, super-glam, pop, I don't care. There are just types of music where the sound bugs me so I won't listen to it, such as dance music and hip hop and also death metal and black metal I just can't listen to.

Obviously I have my favourite type of music which is hard rock, glam and melodic rock because I love big catchy rock songs and sleazy attitudes and big choruses and flashy solos and keyboards and I also love the look... but if I hear a great song with great hooks that happens to be a pop song then I'll like that song too. And I won't put anybody else down for liking what they do either. I will only get defensive (as people would have seen here!) when people shoot me down for liking what I like just because it ain't real metal or because it isn't technical or because they care about image or because metalheads aren't supposed to like it. FUCK OFF!

I like what I like and you like what you like, I see threads about death metal & black metal bands on forums and because I'm not into that kinda music I just don't click on them because I don't feel I have anything worthwhile to add, I don't go and put everyone down for listening to it. So I don't see why somebody who doesn't like Winger or KISS would bother clicking on a thread about them just to put me down for liking them.

I agree :headbang:
sixxswine said:
I'm sick of being a one trick pony. If you like being confined to what you like that's fine with me. Don't blast people for having their tastes.

I like being confined to what I like .... there are 9,000 Metal Bands I love Both New and Old ... and I dont ever blast anybody for what they like ... if I did I would be the biggest Hypocrite on earth .... but at the Same time I am a close minded Metal Head and I am Damn Proud of it ... so many people seem to think its shameful or something to be like that and will go through great lenghts to prove it "Oh I dont just listen to Metal" like its a bad thing ... " I listen to all kinds of Shitty shit" I dont I just listen to metal and I am NOT ashamed of it .... I have fought with assholes for the last 14 years about whether Metal was anygood or not.... so yeah I think I have earned my right to be a Closeminded Asshole Onetrick Poney Metal Head
sixxswine said:
There was a statement made a number of years ago that most rock fans the same menality of the the fans of pro-wrestling.... Not too far from the truth is it?

And what is this mentality? Being both a huge metalhead AND a huge wrestling fan, i'm curious.
Wicked Child said:
And what is this mentality? Being both a huge metalhead AND a huge wrestling fan, i'm curious.

hahaha Same here! ... I know plenty of Pro Wrestling fans that are normal Intelligent ppl .. its not as though we are a Bunch of animals because we like to watch a a Pysical form of art .... Wrestling has nothing to do with "Big guy A beating up Big guy B" .. the wrestling Mentality thing comes from ppl who have no fucking clue what it is Actually about yaknow Stereotypes ... just like people do with Metal Heads ... I dress in Black and have a Pentagram Tatooed on my arm ... Must mean I'm going to Worship Satan and Slaughter a Goat on the Church Steps to apease my dark lord
I love Old School Metal, New (not nu) Metal and Hard Rock, that's where my heart is. I listen to metal in all it's forms and from any time frame as long as I like it.
Although, being a music student, I am exposed to many forms of music and also quite like Classical, Jazz and Classic Rock.
I am open minded when it comes to music but I just find that I love Metal more than any other genre and listen to it over 95% of the time. And what's wrong with that? Nothing as far as I can see.
who are you referring to?

I prefer underground because it is waaay better, but I like whatever is special to me, which 95% of the time is underground.

and for the metallica thing I just get pissed off that I never liked anything they did, and people say that they are the best band that ever will exist.
I've said this countless of times before. Most metallers seem to measure bands and their albums based on reputation and how "metal" they are and so on. We all know most fans turn their backs on bands when they change their sound. I simply dont care about this so I like a bunch of albums and bands who dont exactly have the greatest reputation in metal.
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I have seen a bunch of narrowmindedness. All you have to do is go to the gen music forum. It is rampant there, but at the same time, there are plenty of intelligent fans as well and some that will grow to be more accepting of different stuff.

Bryant said:
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I have seen a bunch of narrowmindedness. All you have to do is go to the gen music forum. It is rampant there, but at the same time, there are plenty of intelligent fans as well and some that will grow to be more accepting of different stuff.


Thats the beauty of this board None of us have the same tastes maybe some similar at times but never every time which I'm sure is true on all boards blah blah blah the difference is when somebody likes something different we dont pounce on em and tear em apart but if they show ignorance Look the fuck out! and as you said its about growing it took many years but I have grown out of alot of the old bands I used to listen to when I was younger doesnt mean the bands/albums are bad just means my tastes have and they have ..I used to love getting Screamed at from the beginning of the song till the end :) still do but not all the time I'v mellowed a lil bit but its all for the better .. and as I stated before I listen to what I like because I like it
Just an observation (no warmonging here). This is UMOS, I dwell here and not elsewhere because:

a) I like METAL
b) I like Old School METAL
c) I like new bands that have Old School approach to METAL

I guess that and the fact that 90% of the posters here are cool as dry ice, is why I'm dwell here and not in the general forum or elsewhere.

Yours truly,

Wyvern "20 nm narrow" metalhead :D
I listen to what I like, simple as that. I went through a phase where I listened to whatever i could get my hands on, be it rap, jazz, mo-town, classic rock, metal, and metal and classic rock(and some punk) is really all that gets me going. I am NOT going to buy something of a different genre or buy an unpopular album just to spit in the faces of elitists and say "hey, look! I'M DIVERSE!" I don't care if i am or not, I LISTEN TO TO WHAT I LIE, BECAUSE I LIKE IT. Simple as that. If it makes me narrow-minded, fine. I'd rather be true to myself than live a lie and say i listen to this and this and this genre, when i really don't.

And i would still like to know what the "metality of fans of pro-wrestling" is.