Face Off 3: In Flamez vs. Dark Tranquility

Who is the most melo death of them all?

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New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
This one is for The Mourner since he was the first one to suggest two bands he wished to see go head to head.

I don't like either band, but I went with IF by default.
Hell YEAH :) I went with IF. Just because of Clayman, I still believe it's the best melo-death album that has ever come to earth... Even though I almost don't listen to this kind of stuff anymore when I listen to that album I can still enjoy it after all these years. I have to say that DT has some magnificent old stuff and their newer albums easily top IF's new ones. But again Clayman destroys everything that DT have ever done... So IF for this one.
where do you live at man? i mean address state and everything

edit: zipcode also.
I like all their albums up to Colony, then they took a dump off the deep end. Since they have more "good" albums my vote goes to In Flames. The only albums by DT i ever listen to are The Gallery, Fiction and Character.
My vote goes to Dark Tranquillity. They are actually continuing to improve and grow in their genre, while In Flames is really going through the motions while trying to appeal to all the trendy metalcore/emo retard fans.

In Flames did have some great albums back in the day, like The Subterranean EP through Clayman. The rest of their albums go from just okay to a total disgrace, with especially Soundtrack to Your Escape and Come Clarity being absolutely HORRIBLE (their last album I actually didn't find to be all that bad, surprisingly). Dark Tranquillity, on the other hand, have never put out a bad album. Easy decision for me.
old In flames rules, but overall DT has been making some solid records over the years, i vote for DT
Both bands have lost my interest already several years ago, but both bands delivered some classics in their heyday. IF lost it after Whoracle and DT's last really good album was 'Haven' i.m.o. Still DT have been more consistent over the years and have never really sucked so my vote went to them.

Gotta give IF credits for their live performances, they utterly destroy DT when it comes to that.