Face Off: 1. Megadeth vs. Metallica

Who is the most m/ worthy of them all?

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I certainly wouldn't count out Youthanasia. Has to be my favorite record of theirs. Countdown is up there with their best as well imo.
Being born a bit too late I have no real love for either.

Both have some killer songs and some bad songs, but I was never that much into them that I could decide.
I vote Megadeth, went to their concert 3 weeks ago, btw =)

Both bands pretty much destroy, but I do think Megadeth is slightly more versatile, better melodies, better "rock" riffs and solos. Metallica wins at proper "metal" riffs and James is superior to Mustaine as a singer, by far, but Megadeth are superior songwriters I think. Rust in Peace is, imo, better than any Metallica release, but any pre-black album material is better than any Megadeth (besides R.I.P). I also feel that if you compare the most commercial material released by both bands, 'deth wins by far, "Youthanasia" is a beautiful heavy metal album, superior and more consistent than the black album, Load or Reload, "Countdown to Extinction" kills too.
I had kind of a hard time getting into Megadeth back in the day but ended up liking them quite a lot. Fucking worshipped Metallica for years though. Now I rarely feel the need to listen to either but if I had to vote I guess i'd say Metallica.
I certainly wouldn't count out Youthanasia. Has to be my favorite record of theirs. Countdown is up there with their best as well imo.

if your fighting to live.....its ok to die.....the answer to your question is....WELCOME TO TOMARROW - ashes in your mouth is one of my favorite megadeth solos of all time

very fair, youthanasia has the original version of "a tout le monde" right? ive heard it before and its alright

and to be fair i also like a few of the newer metallica stuff, but i try and think of it as a seperate band and not just "bad metallica" or "not ride the lightning"
Megadeth never really did much for me. I love Metallica, although against most people, I actually prefer their LOAD/RELOAD albums the most. "Bleeding Me", "Fixxxer", "Carpe Diem Baby" and "The Outlaw Torn" are my four favorite Metallica songs. But most of their albums are fantastic. The only ones I don't like are KILL 'EM ALL, DEATH MAGNETIC and ST. ANGER (except for "The Unnamed Feeling").
Mustaine just knows how to write ace riffs, and has continued to do so over the years. Hetfield has a few crusher classics, but Dave seems to have a virtually endless supply. And in their genre - its all about the riffs isnt it?
Ease up, buddy. Some people actually like bands that you may not. Get over it

As predicted the complainers have arrived. Point is to do bands people have heard of at least to start things off, and to keep people participating in the forum. Again feel free to add some ideas for later threads.

edit: And for the love of god ease up on those ellipsis!

I have to be honest...with all the music out there, and the fact that I grew up listening to both of these bands and mildly worshiping them, I have no problem saying that I dont know if I could suffer through any full length cds by either band. I just dont care about them.

I can appreciate you posting this poll to foster forum participation. This is how I chose to participate...just my opinion....and I love the shitting in the ear and calling it a sundae thing..I thought it was hilarious...oh...and I write how I think...there are pauses...

there is no reason for me to take it easy, I dont feel as if I am being too difficult...Im among the most easy going oldtimers on this forum...didnt mean to poo poo your thread too much/.
i'd say metallica is a gateway band because it isn't terribly harsh music, and they have the black album, which is really quite appealing to the mainstream, so i can see people getting into newer metallica (its what happened to me), discovering their old stuff. if they thought that was great it might lead them to megadeth, slayer, hell maybe even iron maiden, and if they liked that it would go from there.

i also found opeth for me was a great gateway into death metal for its soft parts (on a similar note), it got me to be able to "stand" DM vocals, and now i love it, and that helped me get into more black metal too
Gateway to what? Define it. Sometimes I see this term being expressed in a negative sense by some people, like: "Metallica is the right band to introduce you to better things", and that's not the case at all, they're just not merely influential and known for releasing more commercial albums like Load or whatever, they are a great band on their own. There are many more unknown metal bands that are as heavy as Metallica but aren't considered "gateway" bands. This term seems confusing to me.
Because they are in the spotlight. They are often the first band people notice (and how can you not notice Metallica? Even a dumbass sport jock at my former school had a Metallica shirt) and if it hits a nerve, they go further from that.
Unknown bands that sound like Metallica are not considered gateway bands, because they are unknown.
Gateway to what? Define it. Sometimes I see this term being expressed in a negative sense by some people, like: "Metallica is the right band to introduce you to better things", and that's not the case at all, they're just not merely influential and known for releasing more commercial albums like Load or whatever, they are a great band on their own. There are many more unknown metal bands that are as heavy as Metallica but aren't considered "gateway" bands. This term seems confusing to me.
It's quite self-explanatory, come on. Metallica is a very popular band, so many people are likely to get in touch with Metallica's music. Once someone gets into it, he/she might get tempted to dig deeper into heavy/heavier more obscure music and discover other bands he/she might not have discovered if he/she hadn't gotten into heavy music through Metallica first. Hence, Metallica was his/her gateway band.

Capiche? :cool:
I think Metallica is the gateway to the whole metal genre, at least here. Bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest aren't known outside the metal community, unlike Metallica, so it's the gateway for the mainstream people to the metal genre. It doesn't represent metal, but it's a kinda easy listening to start with.