Fahrenheit 9/11


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Opens tomorrow in the US, anyone going to see them shits? I'm not Michael Moore's biggest fan, but he's ballsy as hell and if this one stays more toward the documentary side than rhetoric, it'll probably be pretty good. Entertaining at the very least.
but all should judge his intentions behind everything he does

actually I think his intentions are pretty damn noble
he'd done lots of tv stuff before bowling for columbine (excelent)
and uncovered a lot of crap in america

remember the boos + hisses that he got at the oscars for saying the shit that everyone is saying now about the war in iraq?

in my opinion you could do with a few more like him in the states

so could we over here
I'm seeing it tomorrow, and I agree with Paul, this country needs more active dissenters. He may take a few liberties with facts, but smear campaigns like the ones the right wingers favor (one even credited the Cannes victory to being the most anti-American film being premiered...whatever) often ignore them completely. If it convinces at least one undecided to vote against Bush, it will be successful IMO.
Just read an interesting interview with him in Playboy. The one issue I had with it is, when polls support the left, he says, "See, people agree with me". When they disagree with him he says, "The polls aren't accurately reflecting the beliefs of the country". Regardless, he's a ballsy guy.

from what i've heard and seen it seems a pretty low and blunt attack on bush, but i'll probably rent it later on just to have seen it.
btw, a shame it won in cannes, there seems to have been about 324351353 movies more worthy at this years festival :|
I saw Bowling for Columbine the other day and I think it wasn't that good. Not very good at all really. Pro-my pals propaganda and "OMFGLOL GUNS AND AMERICA R TEH BADD!!!11 poor kiddies."
I didn't see all of it, and just when I started that cartoon-part where white people are pictured as stupid rednecks hating blacks because they are black and wanting to kill them all if they couldn't enslave them, while the blacks just wanted peace freedom bla bla bla. That was quite a bad start if you ask me, I like my documentaries un-biased.
I saw the NSBM-thread so I guess I know what you mean, but I gave my honest opinion concerning BfC and I won't change it because your wife is half black, sorry... I am well aware that many non-whites populate this board and if I had very strong objections to that I wouldn't be here, would I?
lizard said:
but dude, if you could see some of the white trash around here, you'd know where he's coming from.
True, but just like some people were arguing in the NSBM thread, you can't generalize an entire people because of a few morons, which is pretty much what Moore did in that film.

And yeah, like Sorath, I thought he went overboard with the whole American shouldn't have guns thing. I mean c'mon, we get it already.