Fahrenheit 9/11

I think that the film will be important for one main reason. Together with the 9/11 attacks, Bush has played the "patriot" card so much for his own benefit - even though his administration had already decided that Iraq needed invading even before he got 'elected' - that people supported the actions of the US government almost in a knee-jerk reaction in fear of being 'unpatriotic'.

I think it takes someone like Moore to take the complete opposite view of the spectrum just to balance things out a little. Yes, he's biased and likes to dramatize, but so does Bush. The timing with this year's election couldn't be more perfect.

Look at what "Super Size Me" did to the McDonalds menu! :loco:

Just curious, but how many people here once supported the war in Iraq, and perhaps now doubt that it was the best thing to do? If you've since changed your mind, then why?
lizard said:
I knew Osama hates secular guys like saddam and vice versa.
This is SO KEY but nobody (as in the average American fucktard) realizes it.

I never supported the war in Iraq, but I was not always opposed to it like I am now (I don't remember when/why my opinion changed, other than the fact that I've become much more of a pacifist over the past year). Saddam was a bastard no doubt, but why we didn't just keep a boot on his neck via the UN like it's been done since 1991 is beyond me.
Supported Afghaneestan. Always wondered why we went to Iraq. I might have supported it at one point, but I was always skeptical.

To this day, I still don't know why we went to Iraq. Oh yeah, they hate our freedom. I think I'll go get some Freedom Fries now.
I'm glad Hussein's gone, and I think the UN would still be just as inneffectual as they were before if we hadn't, but I don't like Cheney and Bush making millions for their companies and their friends in the process. And I really hate the bloated oil profits that the scare has caused. Costs me $40 a month or so more now. And I don't like that Bush bold-face lied to us about the evidence and reasons for the invasion.

So, I have mixed feelings. I was never a real supporter of the war, but I did support shutting Hussein the hell up, if that makes sense. He certainly did like to shoot his mouth off and now he's probably feeling pretty stupid.
Costs me $40 a month or so more now.

fuck is that all? thats just over £20
i spend more than that on petrol every week
its seriously expensive over here right now
its always been more than double what you pay in the states I reckon

fucking tax
fucking oil companies

on a lighter note

I never supported this war
not on the grounds that saddam was a complete cunt, because he obviously is
but for precisely whats happening now

if we had finished the job in desert storm it wouldn't have been so bad
but whenwe reached the border and turned back home then a lot of iraq felt cheated and rightly so
a lot of them also died

now its a complete mess

the reasons given for going to war were also completely overblown bullshit


I see reagans dead
hail the hero, the great statesman who ended the cold war....when the soviet union wa already in a state of collapse
hail the hero who funded bin laden, and funded our dear saddam against iran
and of course iran against iraq

this from a country who gets in a tizzy because clinton gets his nob nibbled

fuck the press fuck government fuck the cia

lets have a beer and a burger buy a gun and a bible and thank fuck we don't live in africa
I was opposed to the war from day one, for most of the reasons mentioned here and because I was right in predicting it would be a massive waste of our resources and that the evidence of a Saddam-Al Qaeda link and WMD would prove to be incorrect, partially because of the ideological differences NAD alluded to. I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 today, and make no mistake it is unabashed propaganda...but it is also informative, darkly humorous, and even touching at points. I think everyone should see it just to get a crash course in what Bush doesn't want you to know, then confirm it through more impartial sources...
I too have been against the Iraq war since the moment it was presented, for many of the same reasons Demonspell mentioned. I think this war is one of the greatest sins ever committed by the United States. Haven't seen Moore's film, but I've heard it's mostly propaganda... but so is everything that Bush and the Right spew.
I read an interview Moore gave in a Greek magazine.
He ABSOLUTELY AGREES that his film is pure propaganda, and he says that "i just want americans to know the lies behind this war". He also says that his main goal is to make more and more people not vote for Bush.
Hopefully this film will convince more Americans not to vote for Bush, at least the swing voters.

Americans love their celebrities.
It came out too early to sway any votes, every American would have to see it 14 seconds before voting otherwise the short attention span would make the message null and void.
So someone explain to me - how is Moore perceived to spin the truth any more than regular day to day news media? I only know him for Bowling for Columbine, and what I saw was him approaching people, asking them questions, and then hearing their answers. I didn't need him to interpret the answers on my behalf because Moore's winning point is in asking the questions that we all want answered but might be afraid to ask.
Michael Moore brings up good points but he's hypocritical as in he talks about how the media is insighting too much fear however he's causing unnecessary fear of guns in schools when in reality school is one of the safest places for kids to be