Dark One said:
Bush's decision to invade Iraq would most likely never have been fully accepted by those opposed in the first place, BUT there were alternate roads that he could have traveled without rushing into his decision (i.e. giving more time to the inspectors, etc.) If he had done some of those types of things, I think more people would have at least been willing to understand
What does that matter though? Bush was going to invade Iraq anyway. Plain and simple. It didn't matter what those inspectors came back with, he already had plans to invade Iraq even before 9/11, even before UN inspectors hit the ground out there.
This whole thing has become so convoluted through mass hysteria via 9/11 that we've forgotten all this. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but it was believed that Saddam had WMD's that could threaten the west. Bush and Blair said they had seen outstanding evidence to prove this, OUTSIDE of what the weapons inspectors found.
And now there are no WMDs. I mean, hello? *echo* So what is it? "Operation Iraqi Freedom"???? Seriously, what the fuck?
Yes, Saddam was a horrible dictator that gassed his own people, and killed thousands of Kurds, (although we loved him when he was at war with Iran right?) but this had nothing to do with the agenda of going into war. And now look at the mess we're in.
So what's next? Invade Iran? Invade North Korea? Actually, Bush would be less hypocritical if he did indeed invade those two countries, but he won't. And since there aren't exactly allies banging on his door, the future is looking like: "USA vs. Rest of World". (I have to believe that Blair is as good as gone, ending that personal alliance).
It was a HUGE fuck up. I mean, put all 'republican' bias aside and tell me that Iraq wasn't a huge mistake. I just can't fathom how anyone might think that this was the right thing to do with people dying needlessly.
Meanwhile, Osama Bin Laden is in the middle of godknowswhere. Insurgents are flocking to Iraq to kill more US troops. The Islamic world is beginning to detest the west all over again, and backstreet radical mullahs all around the world are gathering their troops to kill the 'infidels'. So tell me, how is the world safer? How is freeing Iraq going to solve everything?
I can accept that some people like Bush for his other values on gay marriage, or abortion, etc.. If people agree with this, then fine, and if not, go with the other guy. Whatever.
But Iraq is a blot on the global landscape. There is his daddy's unfinished business at play here. There is Haliburton. There is a sense of someone not admitting that he fucked things up just by having been horrendously n
aïve about how things worked outside of the US, and is never willing to admit that.
I just don't get how all this earns him 4 more years in the White House.