fake morals work in laura's catholic college

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so my school is having a week of orientation and introductory activites, one of which is a fake-gambling thing to get fake money to bet on stuff at a real auction. My school's named Carlow, the fake money is CarLOOT, the gambling this is "Monte Carlow" ... yeah, they try too hard.

so we had the (incredibly crappy) Presidents' Dinner tonight, and afterwards, the gambling thing is being held in the same hall. the girls i ate with and i decided, hey this is lame so let's leave. so here i am sitting comfortably in my room, watching Weird U.S. on the History Channel (my roomie's been out for the past 2 days, so get to watch something other than divorce court, talk shows, and BET sitcoms) when i hear banging on my door. i open it to find this girls who's been going around dressed as a slot machine to promote the thing tonight.

slot machine girl - Come to Monte Carlow!
me - no thanks.
slot machine girl - Why not?!?
me - ... uhh ... i don't believe in gambling (?)
slot machine girl - Oh, okay.

hah, crappy Catholics. they can't even see when an athiest is forging virtues.
I've been hiding in the shadows for years, it doesn't take much to fool the religious if they don't want to believe it.
Captain Beard said:
Also, tell your roomate the TV is equal access. Then punch her cunt if she argues.
i just watch the tv when she's not here, hence now. i never know what's on here, so i dont really have anything i want to watch. just not The Jamie Foxx Show.

and yeah, she's chocolate. and, from the looks of her, never turns down any chocolate.
OMG U GOT A FAT my pals!!eqoi@#eOIZQW

I got punched in the head by one, once... on the bus.

And I hate them. Yeah, colour me racist everywhere... but you motherfuckers live in a city and ride a bus with them. They are ALL loud. ALL obnoxious. All stupid.

Just vacant... VACANT.



then they did the other video at the same time... g--g-g-g generation

I hated rollin, but I like My Generation
haha! I am incapable of being ground down in any way by the human species!

Insanity? Super-sanity?


Whatever it is. It works!
retarded penguin said:
haha! I am incapable of being ground down in any way by the human species!

Insanity? Super-sanity?


Whatever it is. It works!
retardation = super-sanity.

they only wear helmets because they're huge brains would consume us, otherwise.