Fallout 4?

I started playing yesterday and haven't reached that far. I just wanted to see if my graphics card could handle the game (Radeon HD 7770) since it's below the minimum requirements.
But it works! Oddly the game set my settings to medium as well.

But the game?
Don't like it.
It's not an RPG anymore.
You can customize your character, sure, but that doesn't make it a RPG..

Your main character is voiced, so you can't have your own made up voice, and he doesn't say the lines very good.
Now you're not a character that you shape yourself, a character that was just another person in the wasteland, now (again - Fallout 3) you have a kid and a wife/huband, and the story involves them.
Even Skyrim started with no backstory.
What if you're gay? What if you don't want to have a kid? The other games didn't force this upon the player.
They removed skills and %chance, now it's only perks, and critical hits is a progress bar that let's you hit X to do the critical when it's full.
Now you only have four dialogue options, and they don't spell out what you'll say. They try to give you a couple of words to give you the gist of what's going to be said, but honestly it doesn't tell you.
"Sarcastic" = You have no idea if the character is going to say something funny or say "Fuck you".
This is what dialogue options and voice acting was like before Bethesda took over.

It really looked like Bethesda said "Hey, Bioshock Infinite was cool, right? And people liked Mass Effect, right? Let's turn the Fallout franchise into that!"
But it's a poor imitation.. (I liked Bioshock 1 and 2, but not Infinite. And I liked Mass Effect 1, and also 2 despite its story flaws, but I hated ME 3).

I'll try and play it, but honestly just put it down because I was bored with it.
Fallout 3 was made by Bethesda as well, most of it was really bad (story, characters, environment), but I had fun with it.
Obsidian made Fallout: New Vegas (in just 18 months!) and I liked that more, because it felt more like Fallout.
Bethesda has had 7 years to make Fallout 4 and they still stick to the old crappy engine, with horrible AI, and the animations are horrible.
The controls are made for consoles, so maybe it's more fun to play if you have a controller.

Yes, it is a lot of criticism, but it's now a dumbed down action adventure game, there's no need for dialogue options anymore because it all boils down to "Good / bad" ending.
New Vegas at least had several endings and you had more of an impact on the gameworld.

A lot of people talk as if Fallout 1 and 2 doesn't exist. And "This is what Fallout is now" or "It's their game, they can do whatever they want with it".
No, Fallout 1 was a pizza.. you can't change it to a turd sandwich and say "Look, its got bread, and there's something on it, it's a pizza!"

Rant over..
Press X to awesome..
Don't buy it on console... I saw it on my friend's PS4, and it's fucking ugly. I am normally a console defender, but if you have a decent PC, just don't even think about buying it on console, just like all bethesda (and generally speaking RPG) games. It's also 20 bucks more expensive !

I haven't been impressed by what I saw, but I'm totally gonna give it a go when I'm home on my windows gaming rig again.

I am way too busy with the awesomeness that is Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void.
Don't buy it on console... I saw it on my friend's PS4, and it's fucking ugly. I am normally a console defender, but if you have a decent PC, just don't even think about buying it on console, just like all bethesda (and generally speaking RPG) games. It's also 20 bucks more expensive !

I haven't been impressed by what I saw, but I'm totally gonna give it a go when I'm home on my windows gaming rig again.

I am way too busy with the awesomeness that is Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void.

The thing is, on PC, you have switch from mouse to the arrow keys sometimes, and it's clear that it was made for consoles.
They locked the framerate as well, I guess so it doesn't look too good on PC.

But holy fuck, I had no fucking idea that Legacy of the Void was out, have no clue how I missed that. I've been checking up on, it as recently as a week or two, but I thought they said the release date would be in December or maybe even Januari.
Oh well, time to check it out!
if you switch companions and send dogmeat to sanctuary hills, you'll think he's glitched and gone forever.
He's chilling at one of the dog houses, for me he was behind the second house on the right before the bridge facing south.
It's really good so far, quite the same as Fallout 3.

........gets a bit same-ish after a while though.
So I finished Fallout 4 tonight.
I won't spoil anything.. but.. the ending had me really confused..
The game is dumbed down in dialogue, I had to download a mod so I saw what the character was going to say instead of just choosing "sarcastic" andcross my fingers that it's something funny and not evil..

You get 4 dialogue choices.. which all are mostly "Yes" or sometimes "No"..
And there's no role-playing, you can either play as a concerned father or a less, but still, concerned father.. (or mother)

I link this before, and it's an example of the dialogue in earlier Fallouts (before Bethesda took over)

This is what Obsidian did when they made New Vegas:

Huge amount of dialogue choices..

Remember, Fallout 4 has basically a 1 word dialogue wheel of 4 choices.

I had fun with Fallout 3, but it was a bit of a step back and nonsensical story wise..
New Vegas was a step forward again, not perfect, but way better storywise since you didn't have any set story forced on you..

This is how dumb Fallout 4 is....
As I said, I was confused by the ending.. Have you played Fallout 1, 2, or New Vegas? Remember how everything you did, even in the DLC, showed what impact you had, for better or worse, or mostly bittersweet? Your choices mattered..

"The Fallout 4 ending cutscenes do not depend on how the Sole Survivor has finished certain quests or interacted with other people. It appears all endings and choices lead to the same cutscene"
