Fascist thoughts in Pagan-Metal?


New Metal Member
Mar 12, 2006
Hi Bangheads!
I love Viking-Metal since 2Years and I often wondered about the really fascist thoughts of some Pagan Bands.
I want to know you opinion of this Theme!
I`d be really happy `bout your TRUE answers!
:saint: This guy sucks!
:worship: This guy too!
:headbang: This guy does not!
Make a difference between fascist and nationalist thoughts.
It's just funny that bands singing about their heritage can sometimes be categorized as fascist, but bands singing about killing all christians fall into a normal trend in the metal scene.
Most people who tell you they don't hold some type of thinking about being pro-nationalist,.. are lying to you, especially in this type of music scene.
Thrymfal said:
it's always good to have perspective, but there's nothing wrong with a little pride.

Indeed, and even if there is something one is not so proud of (Bush, for example), he should still continue to have pride for his own country. But i also think respecting others is a good thing as well.
Thrymfal said:
loving governments instead of people is turning us back.

Damn right!
Yeah we should care of people and not of political interests wich are made by some blind fools who want to earn money. Don't be such a fool...
well, in this day and age, and with the context "patriot" is being used, particularly here in the good ol USA, patriotism and supporting the government are inseperable concepts, at least according to the vast majority, and thats for both supporters and detractors. Those on the right say that supporting the president/government is fundamental in being patriotic,since to them, patriotism means "defending the American way" and as a result, many of those on the political left have also accepted this idea, and begun to revel in their status as unpatriotic, when, in reality, this just isn't the case. Me, I consider myself a patriot, I'm proud of who I am, and where I come from, and because I care about the wellbeing of other Americans, all of which have nothing to do with the ruling class or the geography of the nation. That said, ultimately I think Diogenes said it best, "I am a citizen of the world."
well, this conversation is probably going to get sticky, because the answer to that depends on what you think "the american way" is, and i guarantee that my particular take on what that is is probably different from yours, and very different from the status quo's.