Fascist thoughts in Pagan-Metal?

To me the American way is the defense of individual freedoms at all costs, the right to speak, live, and die as i choose, and above all else the right to do whatever the hell i want as long as it doesn't hurt another person. I like the ideas that America was founded upon, and think we've certainly strayed a long way from what the founding fathers had in mind. I've always found it poignant that instead of saying "Vive le France" or "Deutchland Uber Alles", our national motto is "We the People".

I don't think the American way has anything to do with muddling around in the affairs of other countries, or forcing our will upon them, and I don't think we should be the world's police.

so basically, to me, being an American means living as I will, and letting you live as you will, although i realize as of late my government seems to disagree.
Fascism is more about admiring the goverment and the modern society.. I think most of the pagan metal band are pretty far from that. Respect for anchestors and old habbits does not solely belong to any ism or idea.
Thrymfal said:
To me the American way is the defense of individual freedoms at all costs, the right to speak, live, and die as i choose, and above all else the right to do whatever the hell i want as long as it doesn't hurt another person. I like the ideas that America was founded upon, and think we've certainly strayed a long way from what the founding fathers had in mind. I've always found it poignant that instead of saying "Vive le France" or "Deutchland Uber Alles", our national motto is "We the People".

I don't think the American way has anything to do with muddling around in the affairs of other countries, or forcing our will upon them, and I don't think we should be the world's police.

so basically, to me, being an American means living as I will, and letting you live as you will, although i realize as of late my government seems to disagree.
I agree with you there. I also can't stand all the people that think America is so much better than other countries and look down upon and disrespect other cultures.
I'm just generally disinterested in anything the government does. But nothing has affected me so terribly yet that I'd say I hate it. (Until they ban smoking in all public places next month)

Anyway, I love the history of the United States. It's such an awesome story during the colonial period to the Revolutionary war and the war of 1812. Democracy was new and exciting. And people actually CARED how they were going to run a country for the people.

But on the other hand I know I hold fascist views. Generally speaking I don't think people are aware enough to make decisions affecting a whole nation. Even more disgraceful is the fact that a lot of people just plain old don't care. And man democracy needs such high upkeep that an attitude like that from its citizens will destroy democracy very quickly. And that's all fine with me, because sometimes people need to be told what to do.
Thrymfal said:
To me the American way is the defense of individual freedoms at all costs, the right to speak, live, and die as i choose, and above all else the right to do whatever the hell i want as long as it doesn't hurt another person. I like the ideas that America was founded upon, and think we've certainly strayed a long way from what the founding fathers had in mind. I've always found it poignant that instead of saying "Vive le France" or "Deutchland Uber Alles", our national motto is "We the People".

I don't think the American way has anything to do with muddling around in the affairs of other countries, or forcing our will upon them, and I don't think we should be the world's police.

so basically, to me, being an American means living as I will, and letting you live as you will, although i realize as of late my government seems to disagree.

Well said, I agree with you completely here (though, marijuana should be legal :Smokin: )

"That government that rules least is best" - Henry David Thoreau
This board has a lot of techinical problems.

When black metal found out satanism wasn't scary anymore, they went the Hitler route.

I don't care, really. I spin my Skrewdriver records time to time. The people that eat it up as gospel amuse me to no end though.
Socrates was greatly opposed to the idea of democracy, which is quite understandable. It's not right that a hard criminal like a pedophile etc. should have the same say in the fate of a people/country as a learned man. Perhaps one should earn the right to vote, like one earns the right to conduct surgery on a human being by going to medical school.
the only way to ensure that those who deserve thier rights will always have them is to extend them to everyone. As soon as exclusion is the rule, freedom becomes a thing of the past. Besides, if you look at the figures regarding wo actually goes out and votes, the numbers are very low, which leads me to surmise that only those with the brains enough to care actually do.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Socrates was greatly opposed to the idea of democracy, which is quite understandable. It's not right that a hard criminal like a pedophile etc. should have the same say in the fate of a people/country as a learned man. Perhaps one should earn the right to vote, like one earns the right to conduct surgery on a human being by going to medical school.

Would if the pedophiliac was a educated man? YOUR HEAD IS EXPLODING.
Ok I wasn't entirely sober when I wrote that, anyway, I realise it's hard to decide wh would have the right to vote etc.

And Thrym, c'mon, I bet a great majority of people vote, and few of them have studied political science/economics etc.
No, not many people vote or are even registered to vote in the US. Not as many as their should be, anyway.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Socrates was greatly opposed to the idea of democracy, which is quite understandable. It's not right that a hard criminal like a pedophile etc. should have the same say in the fate of a people/country as a learned man. Perhaps one should earn the right to vote, like one earns the right to conduct surgery on a human being by going to medical school.
Socrates was a smart guy, i believe :) There can be no equal rights in the world, we are born with unequal rights, with various colour of the skin, hair, with different weight and different opportunities as well. I'm afraid that people, who consider this world order to be unfair, are destined to be unhappy.

About pedophiles. In the times of Socrates it was quite a normal thing, as far as i know... Teachers claimed that sex is the best and the easiest way of giving knowlegde :Puke: Disgusting, but these were different times :))

About fascism in Pagan-Metal. As it has already been mentioned, it mustn't be mixed up with nationalism anyway. The latter is quite a usual and normal thing in music and in nordic way of thinking. But it's harmless only until it isn't popularized. Many people have such views without even noticing them, but the history knows a good example of building society on them. I mean WWII and Hitler's fascism.
yeah its Socrates who said that the right to vote should be given only to the elites who actually know what politics is about?

anyway, as Feraliminal pointed out, many NSBM bands are just crazy fucks who want to be more extreem. others are much more serious about their thoughts.

as for me, i'm proud of my country in a historical, cultural and racial sense. i do not associate with those of immigrant origins and find it ridiculous that they should be called "french" when truly they arent at all. its just a piece of paper they were given blindly. saying someone is "french" or "german" for me is like saying someone is "germanic" or "slavic" or whatever. its a racial identity. so calling an arab "french" for me is like saying an arab is racially latin, which is ridiculous and obviously false.
also my nationalism is wider then just my country, its at a european level.
Patriotism is also in a political sense. patriotism is pride of your people and country and in order to feel more proud the political stand of your country should be one you associate to and feel proud of.... if you see what i mean.
So i can say i'm fascist, considering that i'm for a law enforced military and strong government, thats what would make me proud of my country. if it were like that.
i do not hate other races or countries at all, i respect all identities and support all nationalisms. the funny thing is that in our world we support arab nationalism or black or mestizo, but white nationalism is considered "BAD" and totally racist. well i say proudly that i'm proud to be white. if that makes me a racist then you're all hypocrites.