Fastest metal band?

Cryptopsy's drummer is really fast... I have no idea who the fastest Metal band is though.

Does anyone else feel silly when they're eating messy food while listening to Death Metal?
Susperia said:
Does anyone else feel silly when they're eating messy food while listening to Death Metal?

I like to eat crunchy cereal while listening to death metal and pretend I am eating babies.
My friend told me that the drummer for Straping Young Lad, can play the fastest...but I dont know, who could be the fastest? I thought the drummer for lamb of God was fastest, haha, lol for me, Nile is faster then him... anyways
I wouldn't say Gene Hoglan is the fastest drummer. But he is pretty damn impressive, especially considering the guy is *huge*. It's fun to watch him play because he makes it look like it takes him absolutely no effort whatsoever.
I dunno about the single fastest, but here are some of the fastest:

In Battle
Man Must Die
Crimson Massacre (not the drums necessarily, but the riffs)
Hour of Penance
Susperia said:
Does anyone else feel silly when they're eating messy food while listening to Death Metal?


Nile songs went up to 265 bpm on the last CD according to their producer. I don't know if they're the fastest or anything but that's saw raw data incase anyone else has similer stuff to put up against it.
As far as straight-up metal (as opposed to Japanese fastcore or something), I wanna give props to Krisiun and Angel Corpse....
I wouldn't say Gene Hoglan is the fastest drummer. But he is pretty damn impressive, especially considering the guy is *huge*. It's fun to watch him play because he makes it look like it takes him absolutely no effort whatsoever.
He's not the fastest, but he is still pretty fucking fast and amazing. He's probably the most entertaining drummer I've seen live... during a bunch of the songs of the set he just flips around the sticks like nothing while playing some of the fastest parts in the songs.
theres a band in Bakersfield CA. called Sarge Loda and they got a drummer named Buddy Mercer and he can drum like no one ive ever seen before hes got to be the best and fastest metal drummer around and he sure likes to party lol if you ever get a chance to hear him play i highly recommend it because really he dosent need a band he can give a solo drum show that rocks and thats no shit Buddy Mercer gets my vote for fastest Metal Drummer
On a serious note Sacramentum get pretty fucking fast. The band has nice production jobs but everything sounds natural which is perfect. You don't hear a lot of bands as fast being intricate using nice chords,etc..

Some of the most underrated musicians in metal period.
Isn't The Berzerker and Anaal Nathrakh stupidly fast? I don't listen to these bands, but they're mechanically sped up or something to that effect from what I understand.