Fave vacation place???

Originally posted by moody
you can't trust someone 100% on every matter. there's no one i would trust on everything. still, trusting no one is a bit extreme, but full trust is a bit insane too. 'trust is a knife people put in the hands of their best enemies' :eek:
Well... Trust... You can't just trust no-one, cause as Danny said this leads to lonliness... But you can't just go on trusting everyone, cause this is when you get hurt (betrayal, etc. as discussed in another thead). You have to trust somebody, just have to be careful you that somebody is... You have to get to know someone quite a bit before you can trust them. You have to be sure that the trust will not be betrayed.

Take care...
Originally posted by Mariner
I'll be on my own... :cry: yous??? typing error?!
and i can use some weight :), don't know if i'll succeed in it, because I always (until the last 6 months) ate too many sweets and cookies... and never weight any pounds more. Do I have a problem :confused:

Get some pies and meat down yer! Sweets are for sheilas:lol:
Originally posted by Strangelight
Sound! Expect me on the streets of Istanbul with an old battered guitar singing Anyone Anywhere, Frank Sinatra style. Make mine a large one with a shitload of chilli sauce;)

I'll give you 50 cents then.......... to shut up...... :p No I'm really curious to hear you singing... ah, probably you're not doing very well... Anyway, Anytime
Originally posted by Mariner
I'll give you 50 cents then.......... to shut up...... :p No I'm really curious to hear you singing... ah, probably you're not doing very well... Anyway, Anytime
Cold is good. Heat pisses me off. That's probably because it's so fuckin' warm here every summer. You need to have a shower every three hours!!!!!!!