Worship Music - fave tunes? Least faves?


Dec 16, 2002
Thought I'd start a thread now we've had the record out for about a week asking for what are people's current fave and least fave tunes on the new record????

Mine seem to change regularly which to me says it's a great all round collection of tunes.

Fave right now - Earth on Hell, The Giant.

Least - The Constant (although this has grown on me a fair bit of late too and it's a really well layered song!!)
I’m digging on Crawl and The Constant, because they are the songs that sound the most like they match up with the era of Anthrax that made them my favorite band (SOWN, Stomp, Vol 8).

I really dig Judas Priest, The Devil You Know. In The End is still the stand out track for me, the song is great, Joey nails it.

Really from top to bottom there isn’t really a track that makes me want to skip past it.
WM is a record that i can listen to from start to finish, there's not a single song that i find unlistenable.

faves: The Giant
Fight 'em 'til you can't
Earth On Hell (in the vein of 'What doesn't die' imo, i prefer WTD (both good examples of a modern Anthrax Thrash-tune)
The Constant

least fav.: The Devil You Know (still a listenable tune with a good riff, not so impressed by the chorus)
Picked up my copy today at a local shop, and after one listen, here's what I'm feeling:
Fight 'Em 'Til You Can't
Revolution Screams
In The End
Judas Priest

Least Favorite:
I'm Alive (Still a good song, but the weakest by far IMO)
MrF33n3y, I just saw you sig? Joey was in Mentor OH, this past June?!?!?!?

I can walk to that venue from my house, how did I not know this?
Yea, he was at the Livewire Concert Club. Great show too, Joey's been playing drums and doing covers at Belladonna shows, similar to what he does in Chief Big Way if you've heard of that. He did some Sabbath, Who, AC/DC, Zeppelin, Journey, etc. (As well as some Anthrax!) And as always, he was really talkative and down-to-earth.
Favs: I'm Alive. The Devil You Know. The Giant. Earth on Hell. The Constant is full of fuckin brutal riffs! The chorus reminds me a bit of the chorus of In My World.

Least fav: In the End, Revolution Screams.

For those who bitch the chorus of The Devil You Know, wtf, it's better than the sing-along chorus of Fight Em!
'You gotta go with the devil you know!':devil:
Earth on Hell
Fight 'em
The Giant
Judas Priest
Revolution Screams
In the End

Least faves:
The Constant

I guess I need to listen to those two + I'm Alive before I know exactly how I feel about those songs. They are in no way bad songs, but they don't grab me as quickly and easily as the rest of them do.
Also, I actually like their version of "New Noise"! :headbang:
Interesting that so many of us have other peoples' faves as our least faves.....!!!!

This is a good sign of a strong and diverse record (which no doubt it is).
Favs- The Giant, Im Alive, Earth On Hell

Least- Judas Priest, In The End, Revolution Screams

Having finally cracked and listened to the album im really impressed. Joey is fantastic and really makes this a great record. Im so happy that he is back and performing well! Played it a few times now in the car and at the gym and it grows on me with each listen! I really dig the swagger of Im Alive and love Earth on Hell even with the blast beats which I usually despise haha. My only negative criticism is that I feel at points in some songs it gets a little monotonous at points and maybe needs a bit of a pace injection. In The End really doesnt do it for me. Maybe its all the hype ive been reading but i think the lyricical content and meaning pull it through more so than the riffs. Joey is amazing, but its a bit long for me personally. Anyways who am I to bitch and moan! At the end of the day we have a new killer thrax record with my fav metal singer on it, they are still relevant in metal and playing to large crowds! Roll on a european tour and hopefully more killer tunes in the future! (hopefully not 8 years!) Well in! O yeah and I love the constant! yaldi!
Its funny, I really hated I'm Alive at first, but it is the one song I find myself hearing in my head. It has really grown on me. The constant at first really was not that good but after listening to it a few times, its not bad. So far nothing has really made me want to skip them, other then TDYK, Fight em, and I'm Alive, only because I have heard them so much already.

Faves: I'm Alive, Crawl, In the End
Least: Nothing really yet, I will get back to ya!
MrF33n3y, I just saw you sig? Joey was in Mentor OH, this past June?!?!?!?

I can walk to that venue from my house, how did I not know this?

I think his tour dates are on his own site.
Same thing happened here before the reunion tour started. A guy I worked with said he saw him at a place called the 'Thunderdome' which was a short drive from my place. I would have went if i'd known. There weren't many people there and you could have had a one-on-one conversation with him if you wanted to.
Can't say I dislike any tracks. I really like them all.
I always liked the 2 previously released singles 'Fight em' & 'Devil'
The ones that stick out most to me are 'Earth on Hell', 'In The End', 'I'm Alvie', Giant, & Crawl,
Thought I'd start a thread now we've had the record out for about a week asking for what are people's current fave and least fave tunes on the new record????

Mine seem to change regularly which to me says it's a great all round collection of tunes.

Fave right now - Earth on Hell, The Giant.

Least - The Constant (although this has grown on me a fair bit of late too and it's a really well layered song!!)

can't you make a poll? It will be more clear!