Favorite Albums and why?

Favorite of the 7

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Orchid! Beautiful, yet raw. Epic and majestic.

Where do the others stand? They are all at least good albums, most are excellent.
My Arms, Your Hearse
Still Life
Blackwater Park
I would say either Blackwater Park or MAYH. The melodic lines and brutality of those songs are just their best work. Unlike other bands I would say they've never really had a bad album, most every one of them are solid records.
Blackwater Park for me
because there's nota single song i hate from that album, not even a second of the album...
and also great atmosphere that kicks off with brutal Leper Affinity, also the fact that The Drapery Falls was the first opeth song i heard and it was just... brooding..
Rest goes:
Still Life
Good choices here.
I'd have to say my favorite is Blackwater Park, just for the starting intensity, then they back off a little, yet theres this creeping uneasiness even during harvest, like a sustain or soffologetto, and then picks back up heavy with the funeral portrait. beautiful context in the album.
The rest go,
Still Life,
Morning Rise,
jaykeegan said:
Orchid & Morning Rise. But here's my list in order:

- Orchid
- Morning Rise
- My Arms, Your Hearse
- Still Life
- Blackwater Park
- Deliverance
- Damnation

In order of release actually.
Too bad some feel that Opeth never really developed in the right direction.
1. Deliverance (I like all the songs, and the dynamics of the cd are just so punishing..the title track is also plain awesome)
2. My Arms, Your Hearse (very well-playing as a full album and it has a great atmosphere.."Credence" and "When" are standouts)
3. Damnation (I like all the songs and the atmosphere is superb. excellent drum tempos throughout that has a special mood)
4. Still Life (very well playing throughout, somewhat similar sounding in places)
5. Blackwater Park (I love the first 4 songs and the title track, but the others songs are not as strong)
I'm not very into Morningrise or Orchid

heh my vote was the first one for Deliverance :p
i only like morning rise as my fav cos of the funked out fretless \m/

orchid is good for the oldschool Opeth very raw indeed

and there isnt really no right or wrong way to develope cos its music they just developed the way they felt and im glad for them cos they have done well keeping a good standard and also not fucking selling out like so many others have in the past, I COMMEND THE BAND, good on u guys
They're ALL great, but Morningrise stands out for me, start to finish, better than the rest. Here's my order:

Morninrise -- a dark, brooding masterpiece, the perfect depression listen
Blackwater Park -- brutal and beautiful, the progressive metal blueprint
Orchid -- genius for a debut release
My Arms, Your Hearse -- heavy and dark
Still Life -- great album, just not quite as great as the top 4
Deliverance -- pretty good, but a little boring in places
Damnation -- an experiment that probably seemed like a good idea at the time

This doesn't mean I think Deliverance is a bad record (though Damnation doesn't really compare to the others IMHO), it's just not quite as sharp and creative as the others.
Yeah I see that most put damnation as their last choice.
I never considered damnation like their other albums..Well actually, I never saw their albums like each other, i saw them all for seperate journeys, and damnation was more of a mellow reflection.
Blackwater Park has to be my favorite most likely cause it was the first metal cd i picked up ever, and I was hooked, then it just broadened my tastes more and more. Now my top 3 Favorite bands are Opeth, Edge Of Sanity and Exhumed. Its kinda hard to pick just 3 top favorites though.
The thing I like about this board, unlike others, is that nobody fights, nobody is flaming anyone else, which is cool. People come to this thread to discuss WHY they like certain albums and whatnot, but never actually get steamed if someone doesn't agree, its very cool, that it is.