favorite alcholic drink

Susie said:
Did mick get you sick on that by any chance? :grin:

eehm :grin:


My internal clock is fucked. All the day I've been thinking it's friday. I had even erased the whole last week from my mind. I reckon it's because I haven't been drunk for two weekends. altho I was truly pissed last week sunday and monday. that has to be it.
siderea said:
for tonight

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: It's my favourite drink too!with fresh lemon juice;)funny cos i started looking for that very pic before i saw your post;)

I also love sweet red wines,Bailey's,fruity cocktails,ouzo but- hell -no whiskey and vodca(cept for Ursus hehe):ill:

LOL my brother won 12 bottles of Bailey's from a contest we both participated run by Glamour magazine :lol:

lemon juice wooo should try that, i sometimes mix it with orange juice

and thats a good excuse for him to read women mags alright ;)
hope he has fun imitating the baileys commercial :loco:
siderea said:
lemon juice wooo should try that, i sometimes mix it with orange juice

and thats a good excuse for him to read women mags alright ;)
hope he has fun imitating the baileys commercial :loco:
Lemon juice makes it great:D
ill have to snatch some bottles before he gulps them down:hypno: Look at a guy that reads Glamour:


Women's magazines work as anti-depressants to me,cos i push back my negativity and think like a barbie.of course i send tons of smss to every contest they run.This month i won a series of the brand new Stila cosmetics!!!My life has got new meaning:yell: :ill:
It would be a lie to say i dont get any benefit form these mags.I live on my own here,my mates proved serpents, and the city is a mere village,silent like a grave.So i either talk to myself or to the cat.Or the fish.Or my boyfriend.On the phone:Smug:
im gonna go see Monster with Charlise Theron tomorrow:hotjump:
:grin: he needs some tattoos on his arms, *lightbulb* or is he your brother that one :oooooooh!*

be carefull with the mags, i dont do drugs but those had killer effects on me
they start as a joke, reading the horoscopes to your classmates, having a laugh and then slowly take you over with their rolemodels (am i such a girl? is my boyfriend like hers? how does she handle the relationship?) i got a restriction to read them :lol: nowadays i sometimes buy them if it are alright themes on it or silly free-stuff with it (yep those tricks work)

contests are fun though :lol: i should participate more for those silly things

friend of mine explained theres really something like a gollum syndrome: parts of your brain stop functionning properly if you spend too much time alone/speaking to yourself
i dont underestimate the talks with your cat though ;) those conversations can be alright. having your boy closer to you even more of course. hope you see him soon. i think missing someone is one of the hardest feelings. cheese.

:lol: he is my brother indeed.no tattoos on him yet.hes just almost 18.

as for the mags,you are right.if someone is unprotected against them he can be seriously damaged.i mostly read them and laugh my eyes out with the stupid stuff they say to they girls etc .Some pages are always quality:useful tips(for health,relationships,psychology,oneself)wrapped in barbie paper,but still useful.I like the colourful pages and the faces and that.i love to bash the fashion pages too:lol: but its like those mags offer you the plastic safety,a plastic bossom to lie and sleep peacefully,your problems being that you dont yet own that fabulous eyeshadow or extraordinary dress...:erk:
and the free samples rule!!!!:hotjump:

Your mate is right about the gollum,100%.Tho i always find ways to entertain(=protect) myself and not get completely isolated.I'll either go to Thessaloniki,to my parents,or go for coffee with the serpents,meet my bf when i can (thank you btw:wave: ),become all intimate in this forum:dopey: ,go to music school talk with my teachers,talk with the old green-grocer,the baker etc :lol: