favorite alcholic drink

no its not,especially when i catch them red-handed,giving me ugly looks:( i've spent ages wondering "but why do they behave nasty towards me?".i havent found a decent answer,cept for a pitiful one,that i dont want to even think of:that they could envy me or sth(???)and guess what,the serpents are girls:(:( the boys of the "fellowship" are decent,so i can walk with them without feeling evil darts on my back:Smug:

my mistake was that these were my only "closer" mates here and now theyre off my way,i have almost nobody,but i go out with the at times just to feel human contact and because its easy to.i get what i want and laugh with their weird looks(before i feel pity that it turned out like this):Smug:

around next Autumn im off this place.To hell with them and all the controversial memories from here.Controversial cos in the beginning they seemed to harm me but in the end of the day they helped me develop.blah blah blha:p