favorite band vocal wise?

Celtic Frost (Tom's voice was AWESOME back on the first two albums!) :kickass:
Deathspell Omega
Iced Earth
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Morbid Angel (David Vincent years, of course)
Reverend Bizarre
Saviour Machine
Symphony X
Venom (I know he has a terrible voice, but I love it cuz it works well with their music)
Bruce Penison
Roberto Halfordio
Sir Timothy of Owens
Ronnie McDio
Cov' from the 'Snake

Mikael Akerfeldt is a fantastic DM singer along with David Vincent and Glenn Benton. I like to hear at least SOME of the fucking words, not just "RRRRAAAR, RROOOAAORRR, WWWWWAAAAAHHHHHH, EEEEEEEEE" all the time y'know what I'm sayin'?
Hmm best draw-dropping vocals...

Uh Maynard for sure, from Tool and APC. Randy from Lamb Of God <3 umm in flames and soilwork, which have similarities are deffinately up there on my list especially the growling, screaming. Mikael from Opeth, Nevermore vocalist, I think his name is Warren, and the vocalist from As I Lay Dying, and Christina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil.
I'm clearly forgetting a whole bunch of amazing bands, but those are from the top of my head.
I love Markus Johansson's harsh vocals in Eucharist, the guy is a master at that mid-ranged black metalish style.

Overall: Probably the Empyrean Sky singer for sheer skill and range, awesome tone to his voice as well.
ender7227 said:
Agreed. That's what bugs me a lot about Behemoth, although I can appreciate the dude's voice, I can't understand a FUCKING word.

Hearing the words is not the point of death vocals.

Favorite bands vocal wise:
Dying Fetus

All great bands with great vocals. Funny thing is I initially didn't like the vocals of these bands, but grew used to them, and now I like them a lot. Behemoth is so powerful, Dying Fetus is so headbanging, and Carcass has great use of the mid and the low growl.
Anaal Nathrakh have fucking brutal vox.
They're mad niggerish.

I enjoy them, the variations between clean and distorted growl.
