NYDM or Styles Like It....


Slay the Nazarene
Nov 6, 2004
Can anyone tell me of some good Suffocation-like bands? I've heard Beheaded, they're pretty good. So far I have Souls to Deny, and I love the style. Its not too soft like Morbid Angel, but its not just random chaos like most Brutal DM bands out there. Thanks if you can help.
Thanks man. I got Souls to Deny, Pierced from Within, and hoping to get more from Suffocation soon. I got Immolation's Failures for Gods, and some songs from some of their other albums. They fucking rock. I haven't heard of any of the others, save Pyrexia, so I'll check em out. Thanks.
Iniquity are spectacular, but not all that similar to Suffocation, I would have said. Having said that though, Grime is one of my all-time favourite brutal/technical DM albums.

Don't forget Debodified. Suffocation worship practically perfected, with super spazzed-out drumming.
You'll probably like Gorguts - Considered Dead / The Erosion of Sanity. Well you might like their later albums as well...but the first 2 seems closer to what you asked for.
Inveracity's "Circle Of Perversion" is totally brilliant, I also second Immolation, Disawoved and Dehumanized.

I take it that NY style is more brutal and technical, whereas Florida style is a tad more groovy and thrash-orientated? What would bands like Severe Torture, Sepsism, Brodequin, Liturgy, Putrid Pile and Disgorge be labelled as, for instance? I guess Brodequin and Liturgy are Texas DM/TXDM?
Henrik Main said:
Inveracity's "Circle Of Perversion" is totally brilliant, I also second Immolation, Disawoved and Dehumanized.

I take it that NY style is more brutal and technical, whereas Florida style is a tad more groovy and thrash-orientated? What would bands like Severe Torture, Sepsism, Brodequin, Liturgy, Putrid Pile and Disgorge be labelled as, for instance? I guess Brodequin and Liturgy are Texas DM/TXDM?


Disgorge are Cali DM, which is similar in style to NYDM with less slams. But also, the NY scene is famous for its bass-y grooviness. Putrid Pile are similar to a lot of TXDM. Severe Torture are an interesting mix of NY and TX. Sepsism is Cali, with nice groove and a lot of really brutal, but more structured and understandable parts. And Inveracity fucking rocks. Sounds EXACTLY like early Suffo, as does Disavowed.


Pyaemia - Cerebral Cereal
Saproffago - Bestial Horrible Thoughts
Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality
Alienation Mental - Ball Spouter
Houwitser - Rage Inside The Womb
Spawn Of Possession - Cabinet
Goretrade - Ritual Of Flesh

A few aren't as similar to Suffo as others, but they will certainly satisfy any craving for brutal death metal you happen to have.
The list of good Suffo-style DM:
pre-STD Suffocation (well, duh)
Incantation (Onward to Golgotha and Diabolical Conquest)
Deeds of Flesh (except for Trading Pieces, which is terrible)
Morpheus Descends

The new demo by Crimson Massacre is quite good, but their material previous to that is pretty bad.
I listen to a LOT of brutal, grinding and technical DM. I suppose not as much as peeps like V.V.V.V.V., but it's my joint-favourite kind of music, and it comprises a large portion of my metal seedie collection.

However, is it just me, or does it seem that every DM band that is halfway heavy seems to get mentioned as being influenced, or sounding-like Suffocation?? I just don't see the connection half the time. I honestly don't know if it is simply because I, for some reason, don't pay enough attention to Suffocation and the other mentioned bands to notice the similarity in the music, or what, but let me give some examples anyway of bands mentioned that I honestly can't see the Suffocation link in.

Deeds of Flesh - Hmmm. Consistently fast, fairly simple and linear riff and tempos, in terms of song structure. Just...straightforward. My interpretation of Suffocation is as being much more complex and chaotic than Deeds of Flesh. Deeds of Flesh aren't even particularly bassy or slammy like Suffocation. What's the similarity between the two??

Immolation - Okay, the mutual early albums were fairly similar, but as far as Immolation is concerned, I would have said only Dawn of Possession. Everything after was very distinct- both in sound and approach- to anything Suffocation ever did. Please highlight the similarity between these two (other than Dawn of Possession)

Alienation Mental - Whaaa? They're nothing like Suffocation! Their style of experimental deathgrind with punk, noise and electronic influences just doesn't sound like anything in Suffocation's career! I love Alienation Mental of course, but why in a Suffo-worship thread?

Houwitser - Another band I like (though Damage Assessment is intolerable), but Suffocation again? Their earlier material (not including Rage Inside the Womb) has some of that staccatto/percussive feel that later Suffocation had, but otherwise I don't see any similarity between them.

Internal Suffering - I agree both Internal Suffering and Suffocation sound heavy as lead, but otherwise I again don't see any similarity. Internal Suffering are really all-out blasting and speed, and have none of the slow twists and turns or sophisticated drumming Suffocation has.

Other bands like Spawn of Possession, Severed Saviour and Internal Bleeding share some melodic and structural similarities to Suffocation, but are much faster. I suppose that's okay though....even though because of that speed, they don't sound much like Suffocation at all.

I don't know, explain some of this to me. Enlighten my ignorance...or are some of you really just mentioning some of these bands because they happen to be heavy and you like them?
SculptedCold said:
I listen to a LOT of brutal, grinding and technical DM. I suppose not as much as peeps like V.V.V.V.V., but it's my joint-favourite kind of music, and it comprises a large portion of my metal seedie collection.

However, is it just me, or does it seem that every DM band that is halfway heavy seems to get mentioned as being influenced, or sounding-like Suffocation?? I just don't see the connection half the time. I honestly don't know if it is simply because I, for some reason, don't pay enough attention to Suffocation and the other mentioned bands to notice the similarity in the music, or what, but let me give some examples anyway of bands mentioned that I honestly can't see the Suffocation link in.

Deeds of Flesh - Hmmm. Consistently fast, fairly simple and linear riff and tempos, in terms of song structure. Just...straightforward. My interpretation of Suffocation is as being much more complex and chaotic than Deeds of Flesh. Deeds of Flesh aren't even particularly bassy or slammy like Suffocation. What's the similarity between the two??

Immolation - Okay, the mutual early albums were fairly similar, but as far as Immolation is concerned, I would have said only Dawn of Possession. Everything after was very distinct- both in sound and approach- to anything Suffocation ever did. Please highlight the similarity between these two (other than Dawn of Possession)

Alienation Mental - Whaaa? They're nothing like Suffocation! Their style of experimental deathgrind with punk, noise and electronic influences just doesn't sound like anything in Suffocation's career! I love Alienation Mental of course, but why in a Suffo-worship thread?

Houwitser - Another band I like (though Damage Assessment is intolerable), but Suffocation again? Their earlier material (not including Rage Inside the Womb) has some of that staccatto/percussive feel that later Suffocation had, but otherwise I don't see any similarity between them.

Internal Suffering - I agree both Internal Suffering and Suffocation sound heavy as lead, but otherwise I again don't see any similarity. Internal Suffering are really all-out blasting and speed, and have none of the slow twists and turns or sophisticated drumming Suffocation has.

Other bands like Spawn of Possession, Severed Saviour and Internal Bleeding share some melodic and structural similarities to Suffocation, but are much faster. I suppose that's okay though....even though because of that speed, they don't sound much like Suffocation at all.

I don't know, explain some of this to me. Enlighten my ignorance...or are some of you really just mentioning some of these bands because they happen to be heavy and you like them?

Note how I said not all of them are going to be related to Suffo's sound at all, but chances are you'll like them if you like Suffo. No big deal, dude.
SculptedCold said:
Yeah, sorry, I meant to note that I read and acknowledged that you said that. Forgot. But, still....there are other culprits besides yourself. =P

I know. And the AM album I mentioned has nothing related to the stuff off Kopferkingel.
Thanks, now I got a lot of bands to check out. I got Recounts of Disembodiment by Beheaded, and its pretty good. But yeah SculptedCold, I agree with you. A lot of the bands I look at say they sound a lot like Suffocation, and I can't hear anything of Suffocation in them. I love the heaviness of NYDM, and its usually bass-driven, which is a plus, cuz I play bass. Thanks for the bands.
SculptedCold said:
Maybe, but Ball Spouter is by no means any less esoteric.

It does have little industrial techno pieces in it. Plus the Korn-inspired Children Of South. They really do like Korn you know. I'm serious.