favorite band vocal wise?

my bloody valentine

bilinda butcher is also a qt in that nerdy kinda way (which is the best way anyway)
Zephyrus said:
plaguewilder said:
I was wondering if anyone was ever going to mention Solitude Aeturnus since he is possibly the best/most underrated vocalist EVER!

I'm not sure why Solitude Aeturnus does not get much attention. Regardless them being a doom band they are not exactly just a doom band. SA have progressive guitar solos and elements and should appeal to people into all kinda of traditional metal, not just doom fans. Solitude Aeturnus is like the doom band that is very epic and metallish in the sense of 'metal'. The band has been consistant and are actually not hard to get into, and very listenable.
VadimVon said:
Dissection (storm-era)
God Dethroned
Dimmu Borgir (the band is shit, but the vocals are decent)
Dark Funeral

Yes Emperor and Dissection have good vox. DF is pretty entertaining also. DB's vox on EDT and SBD are excellent (and those albums are as well).
Blinded By Blood said:
Discordance Axis
Pig Destroyer
Katatonia(both styles)

I LOVE it when that guy from pig destroyer does the low pitched growls (as opposed to just the usual grindcore yelling and screaming). He does not do it often enough, but when he does, it totally makes the song.

The Bringer said:
Growling I think Peter Tagtgren is the best.
Cleanly I think Devin Townsend or Mikael Åkerfeldt.

Or replace band names to conform to the topic name.

i think that both are amazing but i think that dev can slightly outdo peter at his own game( at least with the screams) but i've never really heard dev do much growling. peters vocals seem to change all the time though so who knows what he's really capable of.
Chastise said:
I think he's one of the greatest brutal vocalists ever but I don't really like Six Feet Under. He should have stayed in Cannibal Corpse. (Corpsegrinder is cool though)
Corpsegrinder is better but I like Barnes also.
symphony x
strapping young lad
amon amath
scar symmetry

cant think of anymore right now..