Favorite beer?

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lmao, banana beer i tried first at wacken last year!

Soooooooo good after a day in the arena ;)
Fuck lager, drink real ale

I've pissed tastier things than Bud, Carlsberg or any other such nonsense after a good night out (not to say I won't drink it in order to get the job done, but hardly savour the flavour). As for anything with light in the name, I'd rather tie one testicle a piece to a couple of horses and send them galloping in opposing directions than drink it.

I have to credit whoever it was that listed Fuller's ESB and Sammy Smiths in their post, respect due. Other than that, Newkie Brown, best ale? The day Tyne water is good ale is the day I'm cold in my grave.
If you're British, get yourself something from the Wychwood, Batemans or any other number of quality breweries (there are literally 1000's). If you're European, get yourself some nice (i.e. not Hoegaarden) white or red beer (12% ABV and beyond, and goes down in anarchy inducing quantities). And if you're American- YOU LOOSE. Import something.

Other than that, drink real cider. And if you want to get REALLY messed REALLY quickly, mead is the way forward.

Yours, pissed whilst writing this,


As much as I love beer from England (moreso from Scotland) most any beer expert would disagree with you, American is probably second only to Belgium in terms of quality beer. Its very regional but to name a few. Russian River, Dogfish Head, Three Floyd's, Lost Abbey, Bells, Brooklyn and Great Divide are all incredible and there are many others. And Hoegaarden is probably the best and most authentic Belgian White out there. Its not my favorite (Struise or St Bernardus are better) but its still very good and readily available.

Mead and Cider both rock, specially the french ciders.
You haven't had the right American beers.

Nothing being made in England can match the stuff from Russian River, Bells, Three Floyds or Alesmith. And I've tried probably close to 500 odd beers at this point and I was fairly unimpressed with England. Very solid and they have more good breweries over there by ratio than we do, but they lack any GREAT breweries. Their best in my opinion are Belhaven and Orkney and those are actually Scottish.

I'll say this much though, England makes the second best (first is without a doubt the Olfabrikken Porter) Porter in the world. Fuller's London Porter is freaking awesome. But their own style the one they invented the IPA, American's kick the shit out of them. By far the most popular style over there are brown ales and ESB (bitters) and even in that American has better.

If you include all of Europe there is no doubt, Belgium and Norway and Italy have some incredle breweries. England has a ways to go though.
My favorite is Czechvar(Budvar). Czech lager in general is my favorite ,Brouczech, Staropramen etc.

I also like dark stouts like Guinness or from microbrews.

Bourbon barrel aged beer rules.

Canadian versions of Labatt Blue or Molson. The US versions taste different and are weaker...surprise.

and if I have to..American(or is it Belgian now?) Budweiser.
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